Total 274 Jpg Images are present In two classes
- No ----> 119
- Yes ----> 155
- Prepare training, validation and testing set
- Get all classes labels
- Visualise training images
- Used CNN & VGG19 model
- Model Compilation
- Model Training
- Model Evaluation
- Model Saving
- Prediction on test data
- Use binary crossentropy loss with adam optimizer and metrics is accuracy
- Balance the class weights
- Train model of 80 epoch and use model checkpoint to save the best model
- Plotting training, validation loss as well as accuracy
Achieved 88.24% testing accuracy
- Import vgg19 library and set input image size & used imagnet dataset weight as well as not include fully connected layer at top
- Freeze the existing weights
- Add more layers with sigmoid activation function
- Use binary crossentropy loss with adam optimizer and metrics is accuracy
- Train model of 60 epoch and set the class weight
- Plotting training, validation loss as well as accuracy
Achieved 92.16% testing accuracy