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My Shell; A Ruby inspired experimental shell program and application utility. Under development; getting better!


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mysh -- A ruby based command line shell program.


Inspired by the excellent article "Writing a Shell in 25 Lines of Ruby Code" I thought it would be fun to experiment with that concept and see if it could be taken further.

Many years ago, a popular shell program was modeled after the 'C' programming language. It went by the name csh for C-shell (by the C shore :-) Instead of 'C', my shell would be based on Ruby (were you shocked?)! The obvious name rsh for Ruby-shell was already in use by the Remote-shell. So, given the limited scope of this effort, and not wanting to do a lot of typing all the time, I chose the name mysh for MY-SHell.

Since that name was available, it would seem that no one had yet written a shell program at this level of narcissism.

The mysh is available as both a stand-alone CLI program and for use as a command shell within Ruby applications and (maybe? eventually? someday?) Rails web sites.

See the original article at: (

Oh, and one other little thing. A survey of the mysh reveals that it currently contains 2188 lines of code. It seems that there has been some growth beyond the 25 lines in the original article.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mysh'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mysh

Advanced Options

As a gem, when mysh is installed, the mysh file in the bin directory gets "hooked in" to the system as an executable file. In Mac/Linux systems this is done natively. In Windows systems this is done via an intermediary mysh.bat file. This works, but leaves a great deal to be desired especially in its handling of signals like control-C. Since Windows users are treated as hated step-sisters, here are two alternative options to using mysh as your shell once the Ruby language and the mysh gem have been installed.

Option 1 - Against a standard Ruby install

This option applies if Ruby is installed so that it is generally available in any command window. You can test this by opening a regular command line window and typing:

ruby -v

You should see the ruby's version info. If instead you see:

C:\Users\Hilda>ruby -v
'ruby' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Then there are either installation issues with Ruby or you need to see option 2.

Once Ruby operation is confirmed, all that is needed is to get a copy of the Command Window Icon and update the target field in its properties as:




%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C ruby -e"require %q{mysh};"

Option 2 - Against a RailsInstaller install

With RailsInstaller (RI) things are a teensy bit more involved. RI creates a special Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails icon. To start you need to make a copy of that icon. Then the target field in properties needs to be updated:


C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /E:ON /K C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby2.3.3\setup_environment.bat C:\RailsInstaller


C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /E:ON /C C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby2.3.3\setup_environment.bat C:\RailsInstaller & ruby -e"require %q{mysh};"

Note: The change from /K to /C.

Also For both options, renaming the icon to something like "Mysh with Ruby and Rails" or some such is also a good idea. Then make sure you place your icon where you can find it. I pinned mine to the Windows Task Bar.


The mysh gem includes a simple executable called mysh. The template for running the mysh is:

mysh <options>

Where the available options are:

Option Short Form(s) Description Default
--debug -d Turn on mysh debugging. false
--do-move Turn on mysh command history shifting.
--no-move Turn off mysh command history shifting. true
--no-debug -nd Turn off mysh debugging.
--help -? -h Display mysh usage info and exit.
--history Turn on mysh command history. true
--no-history Turn off mysh command history.
--init filename -i filename Initialize mysh by loading the specified file. ~/mysh_init.mysh
--no-init -ni Do not load a file to initialize mysh.
--load filename -l filename Load the specified file into the mysh.
--pause Enable page pauses for long output.
--no-pause Disable page pauses for long output.
--post-prompt "str" -pp "str" Set the mysh line continuation prompt to "str". $prompt
--no-post-prompt -npp Turn off mysh line continuation prompting.
--pre-prompt "str" -pr "str" Set the mysh pre prompt to "str". $w
--no-pre-prompt -npr Turn off mysh pre prompting.
--prompt "str" -p "str" Set the mysh prompt to "str". mysh
--no-prompt -np Turn off mysh prompting.
--quit Quit out of the mysh program.

When mysh is run, the user is presented with a command prompt:

$ mysh

Now the user (that's you) may enter commands that hopefully increase the level of awesome coolness in the known universe. Entropy does not take vacations so hop to it! :-)

Now that we've launched mysh, what exactly does it do? This can be summarized with just two words: Boot and REPL.


When mysh starts up, it, like most programs must first get itself initialized and acclimated to its environment. The boot/initialization process of mysh is somewhat modeled after (well if I'm honest, more like inspired by) that of the famous bash shell. On startup:

  1. Option values are initialized to their initial, default values.
  2. Process pre-boot command line options: Some command line options are processed early. These are --help, -h, -?, --init, -i, --no-init, and -ni. See Usage above for details on these.
  3. Try to load and execute the mysh_init file. There are three possible files for this role. They are ~/mysh_init.mysh, ~/mysh_init.rb, and ~/mysh_init.txt. In priority, ".mysh" > ".rb" > ".txt".
    NOTE: If an init file should be specified with the --init option, or disabled with the --no-init option, this step is skipped.
  4. The rest of the command line options are processed at this time. Again, see Usage above for details.

It should be noted that in the event of a conflict in settings during the boot process, the last command/option encountered shall prevail. For example if the ~/mysh_init.mysh contains the line:

set $debug = on

and the command line has the -nd option, then debug mode will be disabled because the -nd command line option is processed after the mysh_init file.


Now for a little more detail about what happens after booting up. The mysh program is built around a design pattern called REPL. This stands for Read Eval Print and Loop and is used in may utilities like irb, pry and the rails console. To better use mysh, it is good to understand each of these four operating steps.

For more information on REPLs please see: ( and (


The first step is just to get input from the user. For interactive sessions this is done using the mini_readline gem. The user is prompted and input is obtained. There is a twist here. Just what constitutes a unit of input? Normally an input is one line entered by the user. Like this:

mysh> ls *.rb

In mysh, the user is able enter Ruby code directly at the command line. Since these commands can be rather long, there is a need to to chain together multiple lines and have them treated as a single input. So for the following scenario:

mysh>= "line one" +\
mysh\"line two" +\
mysh\"line three"

The input string will be:

"="line one" +\n"line two" +\n"line three"\n"

Note that while the prompt is user configurable, it will always end with '>' for the initial line and '\' for subsequent lines.

For more information about the mini_readline gem please see or


Once input has been obtained from the user, that input is then evaluated. This evaluation has two phases: pre-processing and processing.

Input Preprocessing

During pre-processing, the input is scanned for macro-like substitutions that have been placed into the input. There are three steps to this phase:

  1. Replacing mysh variables with their values. This process is recursive in that these variables also undergo the full pre-processing treatment before being inserted into the user command.
  2. Replacing embedded ruby "handlebars" with the results of their execution.
  3. Replacing '\{' and '\}' with '{' and '}' respectively.
Command Processing

Once input has been obtained and massaged adequately, it's time to actually do some work. In mysh there is a hierarchy of four types of commands. These command types serve as a simple command path for determining what action is to be taken for the input. The four types are:

  1. Quick Commands - These commands are recognized by having a signature first character in the input. These signature characters are:
  • ! to access the mysh command history buffer. For more information see Command History below.
  • # a comment. Performs no operation.
  • $ to access or update mysh variables. For more information see Shell Variables below.
  • % to execute a command and then display the elapsed execution time.
  • = to evaluate an expression of Ruby code. For more information see Ruby Expressions below.
  • ? to access the mysh help subsystem. For more information see Shell Help below.
  • @ to get information about the system, its environment, and the ruby installation. For more information see Shell Info below.
  1. Internal Commands - These commands are recognized by having the first word in the input match a word stored in an internal hash of command actions. For more information see Internal Commands below.
  2. External mysh files - These commands are recognized by having the first word in the input have a recognized extension. That is (.rb) of a ruby source file, (.mysh) for a mysh script file and (*.txt) for a text file. For more information see External Mysh Commands below.
  3. External Commands - Any command not matching any of the above is sent to the system shell for execution. For more information see External Commands below.


  • The recursive pre-processing steps have checks on them to detect loops and other forms of bad behavior before they do nasty things like blow up the stack.
  • The mysh variables are also used to control many aspects of the mysh and are covered in their own section below.
  • The embedded ruby "handlebars" also get their own section below.


Once the command is run, some results are expected most of the time. For Ruby expressions, this is handled by the pretty print gem. The 'pp' function is given the value returned by the expression just evaluated. For other types of command, the command itself generates any required output.

To assist in the creation of well formatted output, the mysh environment provides a number of "helper" methods in the Array and String classes. These are:

  • String#to_host_spec - given a string with a file path/name value, express that string in a manner compatible with the current operating environment.

To assist in creating nicely formatted output, the mysh employs the format_output gem. Please refer to that gem for more information.

Page Pause

Some commands can generate very lengthy output that can scroll off the top of the screen. To handle this, mysh automatically inserts pauses once per screen. Now this capability has been moved into the pause_output gem, but since it has an impact on the user "experience" it is discussed here. When a pause point is reached, mysh displays a prompt and waits for the users to press a key that will determine the action to take. The default pause prompt message is:

Press a key, a space, or q:

The available actions are:

Key Action
'q' or "Q" Stop the long winded command.
Space Add a single line of additional output.
Other Add up to a whole page of additional output.

This feature is controlled by the $page_pause variable that can be either on or off as well as the --pause and --no-pause command line options.


The processing of input continues (looping) until it doesn't. This occurs when a command to stop looping is entered or the mini_readline gem signals end-of-input condition. The (internal) commands that do this are:

  • cancel - exit the current mysh file/level.
  • exit - terminate the mysh program.

The cancel and exit commands are also available, with the same names and behavior, to Ruby code.

An end-of-input condition is signaled by the user by entering Ctrl-z (in windows) or Alt-z (in Linux/Mac). See the mini_readline gem (link above) for more information on the keyboard mappings used by mysh.


In mysh, it is possible to embed snippets of ruby into text files, in shell variables or on the command line through the use of handlebars. Handlebars look like this:

{{ code goes here  }}

Lets see a simple example of putting the result of a calculation into the command line:

mysh>echo {{ (1..10).map {|i| i.to_s}.join(" ") }}  > foo.txt
mysh>type foo.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Handlebars work by evaluating the ruby code within the {{ }} sequence in the appropriate execution environment. For the command line, this is the same environment used for the '=' quick execution command. For example:

mysh>=a="A very long string indeed!"
"A very long string indeed!"
mysh>echo {{ a }}
A very long string indeed!

The value returned by expression is coverted to a string (if needed) and then inserted in place of the handlebar expression. There are, however, times when it is not desired to insert anything in the place of the code snippet. For those cases, simply end the expression with a '#' character. For example:

mysh>echo {{ "not embedded" #}}{{ "embedded" }}

Finally, it may be that it is desired to embed braces into a text file or the command line. In that case precede the brace with a backslash character like: \{ or \}

Command History

The history (or !) command is used to allow the user greater control over the history of commands that have been entered. The action taken by the history command is controlled by an optional parameter.

If the longer form, show is used, a space is required before the parameter. If the quick form, ! is used, the space is optional.

Quick Form Long Form Command Description
! history Display the entire history buffer.
!5 history 5 Retrieve history entry 5 and present this to the user as the next command.
!clear history clear Clear the command history.
!pattern history pattern Display the part history buffer containing the specified regular expression pattern. Note: The pattern cannot be the word "clear", use "clea[r]" instead.

Shell Variables

In mysh, variables are kept that control the behavior of the shell. This simple command is used to set, delete, and display these variables. The basic method for setting a variable is:

set $name=value


  • name is a word matching the regex: /[a-z][a-z0-9_]*/. Note: lower case only.
  • value is some text, with optional embedded variables and handlebars.

To erase the value of a variable, use:

set $name=

To display the name/value of a variable, use:

set $name

To display all variable names/values use just enter "set". As an escapement, the string $$ maps to a single $. Some variables that are used in mysh are:

Variable Description
$d The current date.
$date_fmt The format for the date: "%Y-%m-%d"
$debug Does the shell display additional debugging info (true/false)
$h The home folder's path
$history Is command line history enabled?
$name The name given to this mysh session.
$no_dups Suppress duplicate entries in the history buffer.
$no_move Entries are not moved up when pulled from the command history.
$page_height The page height.
$page_msg The paging message. Default is "Press a key, a space, or q:"
$page_pause Is page pausing enabled?
$page_width The page width.
$post_prompt The prompt used when a line is continued with a trailing \ character. By default this is the same as the normal prompt.
$pre_prompt A prompt string displayed before the actual command prompt. Delete the pre_prompt variable to disable pre-prompting.
$prompt The user prompt.
$r The location of the Ruby compiler.
$s The location of the host command interpreter.
$t The current time.
$time_fmt The format for the time: "%H:%M"
$type Does the type command operate in cooked or raw mode. Default is raw mode.
$u The current user.
$w The current working directory's path.

Some Examples:

Imagine you wish to have all commands numbered sequentially. Use this or put it in the Mysh ini file.

set $prompt = {{ cmd_cter||=0; cmd_cter+=1 }} mysh>

And the command line will look like:

1 mysh>ls  LICENSE.txt  lib           rakefile.rb  tests
Gemfile       mysh.gemspec  reek.txt
Gemfile.lock        bin          pkg           samples
2 mysh>git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
3 mysh>

Ruby Expressions:

In mysh, ruby code may be executed at any time from command prompt. This allows the mysh command line to serve as a programming, debugging and super-calculator environment. Just a few reminders:

  • Any line beginning with an equals "=" sign will be evaluated as a Ruby expression.
  • Expressions ending with a backslash character "\" are continued on the next line. The prompt changes to end with a "\" character to indicate that this is going on.
  • The results of the expression are displayed using the pretty-print facility.
  • Auto-complete always places any file names in quotes so they can be used as string parameters.

A few noteworthy methods exist that facilitate use of Ruby expressions:

reset      Reset the execution environment to the default state.
result     Returns the result of the previous expression.
x.lineage  Get the class lineage of the object x.

For example:

"42 of Fixnum < Integer < Numeric < Object < BasicObject"

NameError: undefined local variable or method `a' for exec_host:#<Class:0x1ba8720>


The Ruby expression execution environment has direct access to many advanced Math functions. For example, to compute the cosine of 3.141592653589793 use:

mysh> =cos(PI)

The following table describes the available math functions.

Function Type Description
acos(x) Float The arc cosine of x. Returns 0..π.
acosh(x) Float The inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
asin(x) Float The arc sine of x. Returns -π/2..π/2.
asinh(x) Float The inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
atan(x) Float The arc tangent of x. Returns -π/2..π/2.
atan2(y,x) Float The arc tangent given y and x. Returns -π..π.
atanh(x) Float The inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
cbrt(x) Float The cube root of x. (∛x)
cos(x) Float The cosine of x (in radians). Returns -1.0..1.0.
cosh(x) Float The hyperbolic cosine of x (in radians).
erf(x) Float The error function of x.
erfc(x) Float The complementary error function of x.
exp(x) Float Raise e to the power of x. (ex).
frexp(x) Array Extracts a two-element array containing [fraction, exponent].
gamma(x) Float The gamma function of x. (Γx).
hypot(x,y) Float The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. √(x² + y²)
ldexp(m,e) Float Builds a value where f is the fraction and e is the exponent.
lgamma(x) Array Builds a two-element array [ln(|Γx|), sign(Γx)]
log(x) Float The natural log of x. (loge x) or (ln x).
log(x,b) Float The base b log of x. (logb x).
log10(x) Float The base 10 log of x. (log10 x).
log2(x) Float The base 2 log of x. (log2 x).
sin(x) Float The sine of x (in radians). Returns -1.0..1.0.
sinh(x) Float The hyperbolic sine of x (in radians).
sqrt(x) Float The non-negative square root of x. (√x).
tan(x) Float The tangent of x (in radians).
tanh(x) Float The hyperbolic tangent of x (in radians).
E Float The value e (2.718281828459045)
PI Float The value π (3.141592653589793)

Shell Help

The help (or ?) command is used to get either general help about mysh or an optional specified topic. If the longer form, help is used, a space is required before the topic. If the quick form, ? is used, the space is optional. Of note is the command "help help" or "??" which provides a list of all available help topics. These are:

Topic Description
none General help on mysh.
! Help on the history command.
% Help on timed command execution.
= Help on ruby expressions.
? This help on the help command.
@ Help on the show command.
env Help on the show env command.
gem Help on the show gem command.
gls Help on the gls command.
help This help on the help command.
history Help on the history command.
init Help on mysh initialization.
kbd Help on mysh keyboard mapping.
math Help on math functions.
mls Help on the mls command.
quick Help on quick commands.
ruby Help on the show ruby command.
set Help on mysh variables.
show Help on the show command.
term Help on the show term command.
type Help on the type command.
types Help on mysh file types.
usage Help on mysh usage options.
{{ Help on mysh handlebars.

Also, absent any detailed help information, the help command will show the summary of any internal command.

Shell Info

The show (or @) command is used to inspect various aspects of the mysh environment specified by the item parameter. If the longer form, show is used, a space is required before the topic. If the quick form, @ is used, the space is optional. Currently, mysh supports two areas on inquiry: the environment and ruby:

Environment (@env)

This command displays useful information about the current operating environment.

Topic Description
about A brief description of the mysh shell program.
version The version of mysh in use.
installed All installed versions of mysh.
latest The latest version of mysh.
init file The init file in use or <none found> or <none>.
user The current user name.
home The current home directory.
name The path/name of the mysh program currently executing.
os shell The path/name of the system command shell.
host The name of the host computer.
os The current operating system.
platform The operating platform detected by the low-level terminal gem.
java Is the current platform powered by Java?
PID The process ID of the mysh program.
path An easy-to-read, formatted version of the current search path.
Ruby (@ruby)

This command displays useful information about the currently running ruby language system.

Topic Description
location The path/name of the current ruby interpreter.
description A comprehensive summary of the version and other such data.
version The version of ruby.
patch Its patch level.
revision Its revision level.
date The date of its release.
platform The target platform.
copyright The legal ownership of the software.
engine The internal engine in the software.
host A summary of the host operating environment.
host cpu A (crude) approximation of the installed cpu.
host os The current operating system.
host vendor The current environment vendor/genre.
$: An easy-to-read, formatted version of $: or the ruby search path.
Gem (@gem)

The show gem (or @gem) command is used to display useful information about the current gem system. There are two distinct ways to use this command.

The first is without any arguments. This displays general information about the gem subsystem. This includes:

Topic Description
about About rubygems.
version The current version of rubygems.
latest The latest version of rubygems available.
marshal The version of the marshal format for your Ruby.
host Get the default RubyGems API host. This is normally
sources Returns an Array of sources to fetch remote gems from.
gem folder The path where gems are to be installed.
bin folder The path where gem executables are to be installed.
config path The path to standard location of the user's .gemrc file.
cert path The default signing certificate chain path
key path The default signing key path
spec cache The path to where specs are cached.
file suffixes Suffixes for require-able paths.
gem dep files The files where dependencies may be specified. Use Gemfile
gem platforms Array of platforms this RubyGems supports.
gem path The folders searched when looking for a gem locally.

The alternative is to specify a list of gems of interest. For each gem in the list, the program will list all installed versions of that gem and the latest version of that gem on the rubygems host. For example:

8 mysh>@gem rails gosu
Info on specified gems.

rails  4.2.0, 5.1.3, 5.1.6
latest 5.2.2

gosu   0.13.3
latest 0.14.4
Term (@term)

This command displays useful information about the console.

Topic Description
about About the mini_readline gem.
version The installed version of mini_readline.
installed All installed versions of mini_readline.
latest The latest version of mini_readline available.
about About the mini_term gem.
version The installed version of mini_term.
installed All installed versions of mini_term.
latest The latest version of mini_term available.
platform The operating platform detected by mini_term.
columns The number of columns in the console.
rows The number of rows in the console.
code page For Windows, what is the current code page?
term What terminal is defined by the system, if one is defined.
disp What display is defined by the system, if one is defined.
edit What editor is defined by the system, if one is defined.

Internal Shell Commands:

Internal commands are recognized by name and are executed by mysh directly. The complete list of internal commands is given in the default help command ("?"). Some commands, not already covered in other sections include:

Command Description
cancel Cancel the current mysh execution level.
cd Change directory to the optional parameter or display the current working directory.
exit Exit out of the mysh.
gls <-l> Display the loaded ruby gems.
help Display help information for mysh with an optional topic.
history Display the mysh command history.
load Load a ruby program, mysh script, or text file into the mysh
mls Display modules with version info.
pwd Display the current working directory.
say Display the text in the command arguments.
set <$name>=value Set/query mysh variables.
show Display information about a part of mysh.
type Display one or more text files with optional support for embedded handlebars and shell variables.


  1. The notation {x} means that x is optional.
  2. The load command applied to a mysh script file acts exactly the same as if the script file were executed directly from the command line. As a result of this:
load myfile.mysh

do the same thing. In addition:

load myfile.txt
type myfile.txt

are also all equivalent. It is however noteworthy that these two are not equivalent!

load myfile.rb

The first executes myfile.rb with a new instance of the ruby interpreter. The second loads myfile.rb into the current mysh ruby environment. See below for more info.

External Mysh Commands

These commands are recognized by having the first word in the input have a recognized extension. These are:

Extension Description
.rb A ruby source file executed via a new instance of the compiler.
.mysh A mysh script file. Commands in this file are executed as if the user typed them in at the console.
.txt A text file. The file (with any embedded code and variables) is displayed on the console.

Here is a sample session with an external Ruby program.

mysh>$debug = on
mysh>samples/test.rb 1 2 $d $t
=> samples/test.rb 1 2 2016-12-21 13:43
=> C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.1.0/bin/ruby.exe samples/test.rb 1 2 2016-12-21 13:43
Running sample file.
args = ["1", "2", "2016-12-21", "13:43"]

External Commands:

All other commands are executed by the system using the standard shell or the appropriate ruby interpreter. In effect, the system method is the action of last resort for mysh commands.


  • If an internal command has the same name as an external command, adding a leading space will force the use of the external command.

Embedding mysh in an application.

The mysh can also be used from within a Ruby application:

require "mysh"

#Some application stuff omitted.

The run command takes an optional array of command line style options similar in nature to the ARGV ruby constant. If omitted, mysh is run with no optional parameters. These parameters are documented in the Usage section above.

Adding New Commands

It is possible to add new internal commands to the mysh CLI. This may done manually by depositing the appropriate ruby file in the actions folder located at:


A survey of the contents of that folder will reveal the nature of these files.

New internal commands may also be added in code via the the add_action method of the Action class of the Mysh module. There are two ways to do this:

  • The command may be created as an instance of the Action class with a command name, description and a block that contains the action to be performed by this command. This block takes one parameter, an input wrapper (see About Command Arguments below for details). This approach is best when the command is simple enough to fit into a single lambda block of code. Like this template:
module Mysh
  command_name = 'new <item>'
  desc = "A succinct description of what this command does."
  action = lambda do |input|
    #Action packed stuff goes here!

  COMMANDS.add_action(, desc, &action))
  • The command may be created as an instance of a sub-class of the Action class. In this case, only a name and description are needed as the sub-class should contain all the needed code. The action method is the process_command and this takes one parameter, an input wrapper (see About Command Arguments below for details). This approach is required when the command action needs to be spread across multiple methods. Like this template:
module Mysh
  class NewCommand < Action
    #This method is called when the command is executed.
    def process_command(input)
      #Even more action packed stuff goes here!

  desc = "A succinct description of what this command does."
  command_name = 'new <item>'
  COMMANDS.add_action(, desc))
Command names:

The name of the command is a string with optional argument descriptions separated with spaces. The command is the first word of this string. For example a command_name of:

"new <item>"

will create a command called "new" with a title of "new <item>"

Command descriptions:

A string or an array of strings that describe the command. This serves as the descriptive help for the command. The help display code handles matters like word wrap automatically.

About Command Arguments

The process_command method take one parameter that is an instance of the InputWrapper class. This class provides several ways to access the parts of the command line. These are:

Method Description
raw The raw, unprocessed command line text.
cooked The command line with variables and handlebars expanded.
raw_command The command portion of the raw text.
quick_command The quick command of the raw text.
raw_body The raw text after the command.
quick_body The raw text after the quick command.
cooked_body The cooked text after the command.
parsed The command and parameters parsed into an array of strings.
args The parameters parsed into an array of strings.

Note: commands are not normally "cooked". Should this be required use the following code snippet:

Some Useful Helper Methods

Within the mysh environment, there exists a number of methods designed to make life easier in adding new commands or in load ruby files or embedded into handlebars. Some of these more noteworthy methods are listed below:


Retrieve the mysh variable "$name"


Set/Update the mysh variable "$name". Note that the value is always a string, even for things like "true" and "false". If the value is an empty string, the variable is deleted.

mysh "string"

Execute the string as a mysh command.


Parse the string into an array of arguments.


Get a line of input from the console. See the mini_readline gem for info on the optional parms.


Process the string for embedded variables and handlebars. By default, any embedded ruby is evaluated in the mysh global expression binding. However, another binding may be passed to access an alternative execution environment.


Given a string with a file spec, to_host_spec adjusts that string so that it is more pleasing to the local environment. This is a great boon to writing effortless portable code.


Given a string with a file spec, to_std_spec adjusts that string so that it is compatible with standard usage. This is a great boon to writing effortless portable code.

Adding Help Topics

In mysh, help topics are generally implemented as text files often augmented with embedded mysh variables and ruby code. It it noteworthy however that they can also be mysh script or ruby code files. The management of these help files is located in the file:


In this file, you can locate a variable called "help". This is an array of arrays where each line describes a help topic. Within each line is a further array of three strings. Respectively these are:

  1. The name of the help item.
  2. A brief description of the help topic. This line is used in the help on help (??) topic.
  3. The name of the file, with its extension, that contains the actual help information.

To add a new help topic, simply add the new help file to the help folder and and a corresponding line entry to to the help variable.


As an application, exception handling is largely an internal matter. However, since user code can be embedded in mysh, they should be documented. The mysh application gem uses the following exception classes:

Exception              # From Ruby.
  StandardError        # From Ruby.
    MyshException      # The abstract base exception for mysh.
      MyshExit         # Exit the current mysh processing loop.
      MyshUsage        # Internal: Used by the --help options.


All participation is welcomed. There are two fabulous plans to choose from:

Plan A

  1. Fork it (
  2. Switch to the development branch ('git branch development')
  3. Create your feature branch ('git checkout -b my-new-feature')
  4. Commit your changes ('git commit -am "Add some feature"')
  5. Push to the branch ('git push origin my-new-feature')
  6. Create new Pull Request

Plan B

Go to the GitHub repository at ( and raise an issue calling attention to some aspect that could use some TLC or a suggestion or an idea or a comment.

This is a low pressure environment. All are welcome!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the fully_freeze project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


My Shell; A Ruby inspired experimental shell program and application utility. Under development; getting better!




Code of conduct





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