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refactor: cache the isolation level
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steve-chavez committed Jun 5, 2023
1 parent 75ded6d commit 54a2d7b
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Showing 8 changed files with 78 additions and 39 deletions.
15 changes: 4 additions & 11 deletions src/PostgREST/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Some of its functionality includes:
- Producing HTTP Headers according to RFCs.
- Content Negotiation
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module PostgREST.App
( SignalHandlerInstaller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,23 +152,17 @@ postgrestResponse appState conf@AppConfig{..} maybeSchemaCache pgVer authResult@
Response.optionalRollback conf apiRequest $
handleRequest authResult conf appState (Just authRole /= configDbAnonRole) configDbPreparedStatements pgVer apiRequest sCache

runDbHandler :: AppState.AppState -> Maybe Text -> SQL.Mode -> Bool -> Bool -> DbHandler b -> Handler IO b
runDbHandler :: AppState.AppState -> SQL.IsolationLevel -> SQL.Mode -> Bool -> Bool -> DbHandler b -> Handler IO b
runDbHandler appState isoLvl mode authenticated prepared handler = do
dbResp <- lift $ do
let transaction = if prepared then SQL.transaction else SQL.unpreparedTransaction
AppState.usePool appState . transaction (toIsolationLevel isoLvl) mode $ runExceptT handler
AppState.usePool appState . transaction isoLvl mode $ runExceptT handler

resp <-
liftEither . mapLeft Error.PgErr $
mapLeft (Error.PgError authenticated) dbResp

liftEither resp
toIsolationLevel = \case
Nothing -> SQL.ReadCommitted
Just "repeatable read" -> SQL.RepeatableRead
Just "serializable" -> SQL.Serializable
_ -> SQL.ReadCommitted

handleRequest :: AuthResult -> AppConfig -> AppState.AppState -> Bool -> Bool -> PgVersion -> ApiRequest -> SchemaCache -> Handler IO Wai.Response
handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@ApiRequest{..} sCache =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +194,7 @@ handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@A

(ActionInvoke invMethod, TargetProc identifier _) -> do
cPlan <- liftEither $ Plan.callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq invMethod
resultSet <- runQuery (roleIsoLvl <|> pdIsoLvl (Plan.crProc cPlan))(Plan.crTxMode cPlan) $ Query.invokeQuery (Plan.crProc cPlan) cPlan apiReq conf pgVer
resultSet <- runQuery (fromMaybe roleIsoLvl $ pdIsoLvl (Plan.crProc cPlan))(Plan.crTxMode cPlan) $ Query.invokeQuery (Plan.crProc cPlan) cPlan apiReq conf pgVer
return $ Response.invokeResponse invMethod (Plan.crProc cPlan) apiReq resultSet

(ActionInspect headersOnly, TargetDefaultSpec tSchema) -> do
Expand All @@ -224,7 +217,7 @@ handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@A
throwError $ Error.ApiRequestError ApiRequestTypes.NotFound
roleSettings = fromMaybe mempty (HM.lookup authRole $ configRoleSettings conf)
roleIsoLvl = decodeUtf8 <$> HM.lookup "default_transaction_isolation" roleSettings
roleIsoLvl = HM.findWithDefault SQL.ReadCommitted authRole $ configRoleIsoLvl conf
runQuery isoLvl mode query =
runDbHandler appState isoLvl mode authenticated prepared $ do
Query.setPgLocals conf authClaims authRole (HM.toList roleSettings) apiReq pgVer
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/PostgREST/AppState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -373,18 +373,18 @@ reReadConfig startingUp appState = do
Right x -> pure x
pure mempty
roleSettings <-
(roleSettings, roleIsolationLvl) <-
if configDbConfig then do
rSettings <- usePool appState $ queryRoleSettings configDbPreparedStatements
case rSettings of
Left e -> do
logWithZTime appState "An error ocurred when trying to query the role settings"
logPgrstError appState e
pure mempty
pure (mempty, mempty)
Right x -> pure x
pure mempty
readAppConfig dbSettings configFilePath (Just configDbUri) roleSettings >>= \case
readAppConfig dbSettings configFilePath (Just configDbUri) roleSettings roleIsolationLvl >>= \case
Left err ->
if startingUp then
panic err -- die on invalid config if the program is starting up
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/PostgREST/CLI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Protolude hiding (hPutStrLn)
main :: App.SignalHandlerInstaller -> Maybe App.SocketRunner -> CLI -> IO ()
main installSignalHandlers runAppWithSocket CLI{cliCommand, cliPath} = do
conf@AppConfig{..} <-
either panic identity <$> Config.readAppConfig mempty cliPath Nothing mempty
either panic identity <$> Config.readAppConfig mempty cliPath Nothing mempty mempty

-- Per, we want to
-- explicitly close the connections to PostgreSQL on shutdown.
Expand Down
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions src/PostgREST/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ import Numeric (readOct, showOct)
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Posix.Types (FileMode)

import PostgREST.Config.Database (RoleSettings)
import PostgREST.Config.Database (RoleIsolationLvl,
import PostgREST.Config.JSPath (JSPath, JSPathExp (..),
dumpJSPath, pRoleClaimKey)
import PostgREST.Config.Proxy (Proxy (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ data AppConfig = AppConfig
, configServerUnixSocketMode :: FileMode
, configAdminServerPort :: Maybe Int
, configRoleSettings :: RoleSettings
, configRoleIsoLvl :: RoleIsolationLvl
, configInternalSCSleep :: Maybe Int32

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,13 +200,13 @@ instance JustIfMaybe a (Maybe a) where

-- | Reads and parses the config and overrides its parameters from env vars,
-- files or db settings.
readAppConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Text -> RoleSettings -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
readAppConfig dbSettings optPath prevDbUri roleSettings = do
readAppConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Text -> RoleSettings -> RoleIsolationLvl -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
readAppConfig dbSettings optPath prevDbUri roleSettings roleIsolationLvl = do
env <- readPGRSTEnvironment
-- if no filename provided, start with an empty map to read config from environment
conf <- maybe (return $ Right M.empty) loadConfig optPath

case C.runParser (parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings) =<< mapLeft show conf of
case C.runParser (parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings roleIsolationLvl) =<< mapLeft show conf of
Left err ->
return . Left $ "Error in config " <> err
Right parsedConfig ->
Expand All @@ -219,8 +221,8 @@ readAppConfig dbSettings optPath prevDbUri roleSettings = do
decodeJWKS <$>
(decodeSecret =<< readSecretFile =<< readDbUriFile prevDbUri parsedConfig)

parser :: Maybe FilePath -> Environment -> [(Text, Text)] -> RoleSettings -> C.Parser C.Config AppConfig
parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings =
parser :: Maybe FilePath -> Environment -> [(Text, Text)] -> RoleSettings -> RoleIsolationLvl -> C.Parser C.Config AppConfig
parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings roleIsolationLvl =
<$> parseAppSettings "app.settings"
<*> (fmap encodeUtf8 <$> optString "db-anon-role")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,6 +270,7 @@ parser optPath env dbSettings roleSettings =
<*> parseSocketFileMode "server-unix-socket-mode"
<*> optInt "admin-server-port"
<*> pure roleSettings
<*> pure roleIsolationLvl
<*> optInt "internal-schema-cache-sleep"
parseAppSettings :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config [(Text, Text)]
Expand Down
52 changes: 40 additions & 12 deletions src/PostgREST/Config/Database.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ module PostgREST.Config.Database
, queryRoleSettings
, queryPgVersion
, RoleSettings
, RoleIsolationLvl
, toIsolationLevel
) where

import Control.Arrow ((***))
Expand All @@ -25,7 +27,14 @@ import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (q, qc)

import Protolude

type RoleSettings = (HM.HashMap ByteString (HM.HashMap ByteString ByteString))
type RoleSettings = (HM.HashMap ByteString (HM.HashMap ByteString ByteString))
type RoleIsolationLvl = HM.HashMap ByteString SQL.IsolationLevel

toIsolationLevel :: (Eq a, IsString a) => a -> SQL.IsolationLevel
toIsolationLevel a = case a of
"repeatable read" -> SQL.RepeatableRead
"serializable" -> SQL.Serializable
_ -> SQL.ReadCommitted

prefix :: Text
prefix = "pgrst."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,13 +126,10 @@ queryDbSettings preConfFunc prepared =
decodeSettings = HD.rowList $ (,) <$> column HD.text <*> column HD.text

queryRoleSettings :: Bool -> Session RoleSettings
queryRoleSettings :: Bool -> Session (RoleSettings, RoleIsolationLvl)
queryRoleSettings prepared =
let transaction = if prepared then SQL.transaction else SQL.unpreparedTransaction in
transaction SQL.ReadCommitted SQL.Read $ SQL.statement mempty $ roleSettingsStatement prepared

roleSettingsStatement :: Bool -> SQL.Statement () RoleSettings
roleSettingsStatement = SQL.Statement sql HE.noParams decodeRoleSettings
transaction SQL.ReadCommitted SQL.Read $ SQL.statement mempty $ SQL.Statement sql HE.noParams (processRows <$> rows) prepared
sql = [q|
Expand All @@ -139,18 +145,40 @@ roleSettingsStatement = SQL.Statement sql HE.noParams decodeRoleSettings
substr(setting, 1, strpos(setting, '=') - 1) as key,
lower(substr(setting, strpos(setting, '=') + 1)) as value
FROM role_setting
iso_setting AS (
SELECT rolname, value
FROM kv_settings
WHERE key = 'default_transaction_isolation'
select rolname, array_agg(row(key, value))
from kv_settings
group by rolname;
i.value as iso_lvl,
array_agg(row(kv.key, kv.value)) filter (where key <> 'default_transation_isolation') as role_settings
from kv_settings kv
left join iso_setting i on i.rolname = kv.rolname
group by kv.rolname, i.value;
decodeRoleSettings = HM.fromList . map (bimap encodeUtf8 (HM.fromList . ((encodeUtf8 *** encodeUtf8) <$>))) <$> HD.rowList aRow
aRow :: HD.Row (Text, [(Text, Text)])
aRow = (,) <$> column HD.text <*> compositeArrayColumn ((,) <$> compositeField HD.text <*> compositeField HD.text)

processRows :: [(Text, Maybe Text, [(Text, Text)])] -> (RoleSettings, RoleIsolationLvl)
processRows rs =
rowsWRoleSettings = [ (x, z) | (x, _, z) <- rs ]
rowsWIsolation = [ (x, y) | (x, Just y, _) <- rs ]
( HM.fromList $ bimap encodeUtf8 (HM.fromList . ((encodeUtf8 *** encodeUtf8) <$>)) <$> rowsWRoleSettings
, HM.fromList $ (encodeUtf8 *** toIsolationLevel) <$> rowsWIsolation

rows :: HD.Result [(Text, Maybe Text, [(Text, Text)])]
rows = HD.rowList $ (,,) <$> column HD.text <*> nullableColumn HD.text <*> compositeArrayColumn ((,) <$> compositeField HD.text <*> compositeField HD.text)

column :: HD.Value a -> HD.Row a
column = HD.column . HD.nonNullable

nullableColumn :: HD.Value a -> HD.Row (Maybe a)
nullableColumn = HD.column . HD.nullable

compositeField :: HD.Value a -> HD.Composite a
compositeField = HD.field . HD.nonNullable

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/PostgREST/SchemaCache.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ import Contravariant.Extras (contrazip2)
import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (q)

import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..))
import PostgREST.Config.Database (pgVersionStatement)
import PostgREST.Config.Database (pgVersionStatement,
import PostgREST.Config.PgVersion (PgVersion, pgVersion100,
pgVersion110, pgVersion120)
import PostgREST.SchemaCache.Identifiers (AccessSet, FieldName,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ decodeFuncs =
<*> column HD.bool)
<*> (parseVolatility <$> column HD.char)
<*> column HD.bool
<*> nullableColumn HD.text
<*> nullableColumn (toIsolationLevel <$> HD.text)

addKey :: Routine -> (QualifiedIdentifier, Routine)
addKey pd = (QualifiedIdentifier (pdSchema pd) (pdName pd), pd)
Expand Down
21 changes: 17 additions & 4 deletions src/PostgREST/SchemaCache/Routine.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,10 @@ module PostgREST.SchemaCache.Routine
, funcReturnsCompositeAlias
) where

import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Hasql.Transaction.Sessions as SQL

import PostgREST.SchemaCache.Identifiers (QualifiedIdentifier (..),
Schema, TableName)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,9 +50,20 @@ data Routine = Function
, pdReturnType :: RetType
, pdVolatility :: FuncVolatility
, pdHasVariadic :: Bool
, pdIsoLvl :: Maybe Text
, pdIsoLvl :: Maybe SQL.IsolationLevel
deriving (Eq, Generic, JSON.ToJSON)
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance JSON.ToJSON Routine where
toJSON (Function sch nam desc params ret vol hasVar _) = JSON.object
"pdSchema" .= sch
, "pdName" .= nam
, "pdDescription" .= desc
, "pdParams" .= JSON.toJSON params
, "pdReturnType" .= JSON.toJSON ret
, "pdVolatility" .= JSON.toJSON vol
, "pdHasVariadic" .= JSON.toJSON hasVar

data RoutineParam = RoutineParam
{ ppName :: Text
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/spec/SpecHelper.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ baseCfg = let secret = Just $ encodeUtf8 "reallyreallyreallyreallyverysafe" in
, configDbTxRollbackAll = True
, configAdminServerPort = Nothing
, configRoleSettings = mempty
, configRoleIsoLvl = mempty
, configInternalSCSleep = Nothing

Expand Down

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