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A skill-based robot behavior tree execution framework based on ROS2.


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KIOS is developed as a skill-based robot behavior tree execution framework based on ROS2. It integrates behavior tree mechanism with robot skills, aiming at enabling behavior tree-based task planning based on the designed robot skills.

The functionality of the system is highly decoupled and isolated in the corresponding ROS2 nodes, which composite a cycle like control loop that following the sensing-actuating mode.




What is KIOS?

KIOS, short for "Knowledge-based Intelligent Operation System", is a a skill-based robot behavior tree execution framework developed by BlackBird, aiming at providing an execution interface for behavior tree represented plans while making use of the designed and fine-tuned skills in the skill base of the collective learning group of MIRMI. The system is built based on ROS2 and should be used along with the mios developed by @Lars.

Getting Started



  • Ubuntu 20.04 is a verified system version for this project.

BB: (In the nearest test the link errors about libresolv appeared and are still not solved, which is a problem popped by conan-installed mongocxx). The system was validated in Ubuntu 20.04 with Ros2 Foxy.

  • linux Realtime kernal. This is the requirement mios (or more precisely the requirement of robot control frequency).

  • ROS2 Foxy

  • mios (branch: kios)

  • BehaviorTree.CPP 4.x (has been integrated as a sub-module)

  • conan 1.59.0 (important due to the compatibility of mios)


  1. Install ROS2 foxy.

Currently the system is only verified on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Ros2 Foxy. In Ubuntu 22.04 environment the mongocxx (installed by conanfile.txt and is a common dependency for mios and kios) may have problem finding the system dependencies.

  1. Install BehaviorTree.CPP.
  • update: Now you don't need to do that. It is now a built-in library.
  1. Install websocketpp.
sudo apt-get install libwebsocketpp-dev
  1. Install nlohmann.

  2. clone the project and build using colcon.

  3. enable global auto-fill (Skip this if you do not use CLI of kios)

pip3 install argcomplete
sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete3
  1. install conan 1.59.0 (Please do not use conan 2)
pip3 install conan==1.59.0
  1. install mios (Please use branch "kios").

BB: Please follow the installing instruction of mios and install all the dependencies needed. This project is better than mios, because it has a readme file at least.

  1. install spdlog.

  2. install fmt.

sudo apt install libfmt-dev


The enter point is ...

BB: Currently coach is taken as the enter point of the program. It should conduct the process in the pseudo code and call the action/service provided by other nodes for the needed functionality.

System Structure

The overall system structure is shown below.


The system consists of a couple of nodes, in which different functionality is decoupled from the main goal and realized independently.

The project structure:

  • kios
    • kios_cpp
      • messenger
      • tree_node
      • tactician
      • commander
      • mongo_reader
    • kios_py
      • bota_sens
      • mios_reader
      • planner
      • skill_tuner
      • coach
    • kios_interface
      • action
        • MakePlan
      • msg
        • MiosState
        • NodeArchive
        • SensorState
        • TaskState
        • TreeState
        • BotaSens
      • srv
        • ArchiveActionRequest
        • CommandRequest
        • GetObjectRequest
        • SwitchActionRequest
        • SwitchTreePhaseRequest
        • TuneSkillRequest
        • TeachObjectRequest
    • kios_cli
      • CLI node

The functions of the nodes are explained explicitly below.


The node mios_reader publishes the realtime sensing data from mios.

  • Written in python.
  • Has a udp receiver member object which receives the packages from the telemetry udp sender in mios.
  • The entities sent by mios telemetry is registered in node commander.
  • Publish the sensing data to topic mios_state_topic with msg MiosState.msg.
  • Has a user-defined package loss tolerance. Power off if it is exceeded (timeout).

For developer:

  • The messages(data) are transfered "as they are". They should be restored to the original format at the endpoint that use them.


The node sensor_reader publishes the realtime sensing data from the sensors.

  • Not implemented yet since there is no sensor deployed on my robot.
  • Publish the data to topic sensor_state_topic with msg SensorState.msg.


The node messenger subscribes all the sensing data topics and assemble them with a nested msg, then publish it.

  • Subscibe the topic mios_state_topic and sensor_state_topic.
  • Publish to topic task_state_topic with msg TaskState.msg, which is a msg type nested with MiosState.msg and SensorState.msg.

For developer:

  • The subscribers and publishers are put in a MutuallyExclusiveCallbackGroup and the node is executed by a single-thread executor. This, though may affect the efficiency, can avoid possible data race. Deploy mutex instead if you need higher transfer frequency.


The node tree_node manages the life cycle of the behavior tree. It subscribes the robot state, determines the next action and asks the node tactician for constructing the action.

  • Subscribe the topic task_state_topic.
  • Request action switch by service switch_action_service with SwitchAcitionRequest.srv.
  • Determine the next action by "ticking" the tree_root.
  • Synchronize the tree phase by receiving state feedback from mios with a udp receiver member object.
  • Update the object list with service get_object_service with GetObjectRequest.srv.



The node tactician construct the action with the corresponding context. It receives the switch action request from the node tree_node and generate the action context, then asks the node commander to send the command.

  • member object: paramclerk, which read, write the action parameters from/into a json file in workspace directory.
  • Provide the service switch_action_service with SwitchAcitionRequest.srv.
  • fetch the action node's parameters from paramclerk by calling generate_command_context().

For developer:

  • The skill currently used in mios is NOT BBGeneralSkill ANYMORE. The action nodes in the behavior_tree library should all have their own corresponding skill (only one) in mios. Multiple action nodes in kios can be mapped to the same skill in mios (e.g. the tool_load and tool_unload, because the only difference is to open or close the gripper.).

  • For skills available please see kios_skill in mios (BBbranch)


The node commander manages the websocket connection with mios Port. It receives the command request from the node tactician and send it to mios websocket server.

  • Provide the service command_request_service with CommandRequest.srv.
  • Can send, send_and_wait, send_and_check.
  • Provide CLI service teach_object_cli with TeachObjectService.srv.


The node mongo_reader manages the communication between kios and mongoDB. It reads the objects set in mongoDB with mongoDB client.

  • Provide the service get_object_service with GetObjectRequest.srv.


The node planner make plans for robot tasks, in which the expanding BT techniques should be applied. It expands the behavior tree, validates it, transforms it into xml format (dumps it in string format) and send the result back.


The node for tuning the parameters of the skills in the plan (i.e. the action nodes in the behavior tree).

  • Provide the service tune_skill_service with TuneSkillRequest.srv.

  • Publish ...


The sensor node for Bota SensOne F/T sensor.

  • Publish ...


The "agent". The node "coach" is a client for calling all possible service provided above.


Running Process

The basic idea is to make the decision making part in kios and the skill execution part in mios in a chained loop. Mios and kios must be synchronized in skill execution phase, which means the start/success/failure phase in kios and mios must be handled in exactly the same time step of the system loop. In this way, the realtime cycle in mios skill execution is reserved and protected by being isolated from the communication part, and the realtime response in kios decision making mechanism is also guaranteed because of the non-stop perception feedback and the accessibility of mios.



Development Log

For the old version see


The project is still under development. You are welcome to contribute to the project by starting an issue or making a pull request. It is strongly recommended to start a new branch for module contribution.


MIT License








The project is still under development. Please feel free to start an issue if you have any question or suggestion.


A skill-based robot behavior tree execution framework based on ROS2.







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