The Book Store website is an online platform designed to provide users with a seamless book-viewing experience. Users can browse through a wide range of books, for specific book they bought, view detailed descriptions.
- User Registration and Login: Users can create accounts, log in, and manage their profiles.
- Book Browsing: Users can browse books by category, author, and popularity.
- Book Details: Detailed information about each book.
- User-Specific Book List: Users can view a list of books they have purchased or are interested in within their profile.
- website has Dark Mode also.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Tailwind: For Good and easy Components
- React.js: For building the user interface
- Redux: For state management
- Axios: For making HTTP requests
- Node.js: For server-side scripting
- Express.js: For building the web server
- Dotenv
- Mongoose: For storing user and book data
Version Control:
- Git: For version control
- GitHub: For repository hosting