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org.qedit.kotqedit - Kotlin client library for QEDIT - Asset Transfers


  • Kotlin 1.1.2
  • Gradle 3.3


First, create the gradle wrapper script:

gradle wrapper

Then, run:

./gradlew check assemble

This runs all tests and packages the library.

Features/Implementation Notes

  • Supports JSON inputs/outputs, File inputs, and Form inputs.
  • Supports collection formats for query parameters: csv, tsv, ssv, pipes.
  • Some Kotlin and Java types are fully qualified to avoid conflicts with types defined in OpenAPI definitions.
  • Implementation of ApiClient is intended to reduce method counts, specifically to benefit Android targets.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
AnalyticsApi analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost POST /analytics/get_network_activity Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
AnalyticsApi analyticsGetSyncStatusPost POST /analytics/get_sync_status Get blockchain sync status information
AttachmentApi attachmentAddToGroupPost POST /attachment/add_to_group Add a new member to a group
AttachmentApi attachmentCreateGroupPost POST /attachment/create_group Create a new group
AttachmentApi attachmentDownloadPost POST /attachment/download Download an Attachment
AttachmentApi attachmentGetGroupsPost POST /attachment/get_groups List the Groups the Wallet has access to
AttachmentApi attachmentLeaveGroupPost POST /attachment/leave_group Removes an owned Wallet from a Group
AttachmentApi attachmentListPost POST /attachment/list Lists available Attachments
AttachmentApi attachmentUploadPost POST /attachment/upload Upload an Attachment and share it with a Group
HealthApi healthPost POST /health Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
NodeApi nodeApproveTaskPost POST /node/approve_task Approve task with pending incoming transaction [async call]
NodeApi nodeCancelTaskPost POST /node/cancel_task Cancel task with pending incoming transaction both incoming and outgoing [async call]
NodeApi nodeDeleteWalletPost POST /node/delete_wallet Delete a Wallet [async call]
NodeApi nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost POST /node/export_auditor_access_wallet Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
NodeApi nodeExportWalletPost POST /node/export_wallet Export wallet secret key
NodeApi nodeGenerateWalletPost POST /node/generate_wallet Generate a new Wallet
NodeApi nodeGetAllWalletsPost POST /node/get_all_wallets Get all wallet IDs
NodeApi nodeGetNotificationsPost POST /node/get_notifications Get notifications
NodeApi nodeGetRulesPost POST /node/get_rules Get network governance Rules
NodeApi nodeGetTaskStatusPost POST /node/get_task_status Get a specific task (by ID)
NodeApi nodeGetTasksPost POST /node/get_tasks Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
NodeApi nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost POST /node/import_auditor_access_wallet Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
NodeApi nodeImportWalletPost POST /node/import_wallet Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
WalletApi walletCreateRulePost POST /wallet/create_rule Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
WalletApi walletDeleteRulePost POST /wallet/delete_rule Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
WalletApi walletGetActivityPost POST /wallet/get_activity Get wallet activity (transactions)
WalletApi walletGetBalancesPost POST /wallet/get_balances Get wallets balances
WalletApi walletGetNewAddressPost POST /wallet/get_new_address Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
WalletApi walletGetPublicKeyPost POST /wallet/get_public_key Get wallet public key
WalletApi walletIssueAssetPost POST /wallet/issue_asset Issue assets [async call]
WalletApi walletShareViewingPermissionPost POST /wallet/share_viewing_permission Share the viewing credentials for a given Wallet
WalletApi walletTransferAssetPost POST /wallet/transfer_asset Transfer assets [async call]

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-auth-token
  • Location: HTTP header