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A responsive and dynamic portfolio website built with Next.js for server-side rendering, TailwindCSS for utility-first styling, Framer Motion for smooth animations, and React Icons for customizable icons, showcasing my work, skills, and achievements with a focus on clean design and seamless user experience.

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Personal Portfolio

Welcome to my personal portfolio! This project is designed to showcase my skills, experience, and projects in a professional and interactive manner. The portfolio includes detailed sections highlighting my expertise, work, and contact information for prospective employers and collaborators.

🎯 Purpose

The goal of this portfolio is to provide an overview of my background and the projects I have worked on. It serves as a hub for showcasing my technical abilities, design sense, and approach to problem-solving.

🚀 Features

  • Responsive Design: Adapts seamlessly to various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  • Interactive UI: Smooth navigation with a focus on user experience and accessibility.
  • Project Gallery: A showcase of my best projects, each with a detailed description, tech stack used, and live demo links.
  • Contact Form: Simple and secure way to reach out to me for any professional inquiries.

🛠️ Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, NextJs,ShadCN
  • Deployment: Vercel, GitHub Pages

🖥️ Live Demo

Check out the live version of my portfolio here.

📧 Contact

Feel free to connect with me via LinkedIn or email if you have any questions or job opportunities in mind!

📂 Project Structure

├── .next               # Next.js build files
├── app                 # Core application files
├── components
│   └── ui              # UI components
│       ├── Header.jsx
│       ├── MobileNav.jsx
│       ├── Nav.jsx
│       ├── PageTransition.jsx
│       ├── Photo.jsx
│       ├── Social.jsx
│       ├── Stairs.jsx
│       ├── StairTransition.jsx
│       ├── Stats.jsx
│       └── WorkSliderBtns.jsx
├── lib                 # Utility functions
│   └── utils.js
├── public              # Public assets like images and icons
├── .eslintrc.json      # ESLint configuration file
├── .gitignore          # Files and directories to ignore in Git
├── components.json     # Additional components configuration
├── jsconfig.json       # JavaScript project configuration
├── next.config.mjs     # Next.js configuration
├── package.json        # Project dependencies and scripts
├── postcss.config.js   # PostCSS configuration
├── tailwind.config.js  # Tailwind CSS configuration
├──           # You are here!


A responsive and dynamic portfolio website built with Next.js for server-side rendering, TailwindCSS for utility-first styling, Framer Motion for smooth animations, and React Icons for customizable icons, showcasing my work, skills, and achievements with a focus on clean design and seamless user experience.







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