NFC is an acronym for Non Fungible Certificates. It is a decentralized platform for issuing digital certificates in the form of Non Fungible Tokens. It works on any EVM compatible network.
After cloning the repo, while in the nfc-dapp
directory, run the following code in the terminal:
npm i
npm run dev
The Dapp should be running on http://localhost:3000.
Copy and paste JSON Data or Drag and Drop a JSON file in the following format:
{name: "Satoshi Nakamoto", address: "0x9576b63f6C3B36bAee9f975e433283C116499f03", honors: "first class", course: "Computer Science"},
{name: "Vitalik Buterin", address: "0xF5591E14eB99aB51C10ba75DabA7d0D6345293eb", honors: "second class", course: "Actuarial Science"},
Alternatively, you can copy and paste CSV data or Drag and Drop a CSV file in the following format:
Jane,0x9211cd5a0940FA9F71bcbcF1d45b0EC20Cb62A38,first class,Bsc Computer Science
Joe,0xF5591E14eB99aB51C10ba75DabA7d0D6345293eb,second class, Bsc Actuarial Science
Ndonga,0xB794c178d8D1Bb7B28fCfd80D8cDaE59Df858B74, pass, Bsc Applied Chemistry
Submit the data and view it on the relevant Block Explorer.
In the terminal, while in the blockchain
directory, run:
npm i
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
This will verify the contract on tenderly as well.
If you were using the Rinkeby testnet, the address of your Non Fungible certificate should be available on{your_address}/{tokenId}. You can just search for your contract address on the OpenSea platform and view it.