- Whenever the prefetch mechanism detects a miss on a memory block, say A, it allocates a stream to begin prefetching successive blocks from the missed block onward. If the stream buffer can hold 4 blocks, then we would prefetch A+1, A+2, A+3, A+4 and hold those in the allocated stream buffer. If the processor consumes A+1 next, then it shall be moved "up" from the stream buffer to the processor's cache. The first entry of the stream buffer would now be A+2 and so on. This pattern of prefetching successive blocks is called Sequential Prefetching. It is mainly used when contiguous locations are to be prefetched. For example, it is used when prefetching instructions.
- sbt
Branch main
is the cache without stream buffer.
The version with stream buffer:
git checkout hw_prefetch
You can also turn off prefetch
by set:
val prefetch = false
in CacheConfig.scala
Generate Verilog:
cd chisel
P.S. make
generates both Test.v and DCache.v, Test.v is for simulation; if you only need DCache.v, please run:
make cache