Create your Own Homebrew Store Content Delivery Network easily and for free.
I decided to create this tool after I wanted to host my own repository of the Homebrew Store for PS4 and I only found a desktop app for that. I wanted something more scalable instead.
This was a good opportunity to learn more about the PS4 file system and provide a useful tool for everybody.
It's pretty easy!
First of all, fork the repository
Open the actions tab and click "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them"
Go in your new Repository settings and in "Pages", put your custom domain ( or leave the free one )
Clone your repository in your local environment
Edit, in the wrangler.toml file, the "BASELINK" variable to the domain you just configured
Install the dependencies
npm install
Edit the store.db file ( I suggest using the sqlitebrowser tool )
Deploy to cloudflare Workers
npm run deploy
✅ Done! Wrangler will tell you the link you will have to insert in the Homebrew Store
Remember that you still have to host your .pkg file. If it's under 2gb, you can store it on GitHub
Tip: Cloudflare has a service called Cloudflare R2 that allows you to store up to 5gb for free!
Use this at your own risk. I DO NOT promote any type of piracy, in fact this repository DOES NOT contain any paid game whatsoever. What you do with this is your responsibility and I cannot be held accountable for anything you do with my project in any way.