Download your eGuides from PrimaGames for offline use.
- Node.js
- EditThisCookie or Cookie-Editor
- ☆ Star this repository
- Download/clone this repository
- Run
npm install
- Edit
to change settings, like output path - Login to PrimaGames
- Export your cookies and save them to
Format:[{name, value, domain, path}, { ... }, ...]
- Run
node index.js
ornpm start
- If it fails and the
option is set to false, simply restart and it keep your previous progression. - Because all raw web data is being stored in the output pdf, I highly recommend compressing the pdf's afterwards. Example with ghostscript:
MKDIR C:\eguides\compressed
FOR %i IN (C:\eguides\*.pdf) DO start gswin64c -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sOutputFile="C:\eguides\compressed\%~ni.pdf" "C:\eguides\%~ni.pdf"
Depending on your settings and number of guide, this can be quite resource-intensive, since it runs a headless browser in the background. Ensure you allocate enough system resources and space beforehand!