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Simple Validator using struct properties as rules

You can integrate with all golang framework using http.Request interface

examples :


go get

discussion or updates


  • validate value in map[string]interface{} by keys
  • validate data from http.Request json/multipart
    • support file upload
  • Unique Value
    • ex case : old_password and new_password cant be using same value
  • RequiredWithout check
    • ex case : the field flavor is required if custom_flavor is null
  • enum value check
  • min/max length data check
  • email field check
  • uuid field check
  • IPv4 field check
  • IPv4 Network check
  • regex on string validation
  • nested validation 🔥
  • you can create your own extension 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (example :
  • custom message :
    • on invalid regex message : âś… ready
    • on type not match message : âś… ready
    • on min/max data message : âś… ready
    • on unique values error : âś… ready
    • on null data message : ⌛ not ready
    • on enum value not match : ⌛ not ready
    • on RequiredWithout error : ⌛ not ready

On Progress

  • validation for one data value only

Custom Message Variables

No Variable Name
1 ${field}
2 ${expected_type}
3 ${actual_type}
4 ${actual_length}
5 ${expected_min_length}
6 ${expected_max_length}

Road Map

  • errors detail mode
  • get from urls params http
  • validation for base64
  • handle file size on multipart
  • extension for generate OpenAPI Spec that support with this package
  • image resolution validation
  • multi validation on one field (ex : IPv4: true, UUID: true)

example :

Example 1

payload := map[string]interface{}{"jenis_kelamin": "laki-laki", "hoby": "Main PS", "umur": 1, "menikah": true}
err := map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().SetRules(map_validator.RulesWrapper{
        Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
            "jenis_kelamin": {Enum: &map_validator.EnumField[any]{Items: []string{"laki-laki", "perempuan"}}},
            "hoby":          {Type: reflect.String, Null: false},
            "menikah":       {Type: reflect.Bool, Null: false},
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected not have error, but got error : %s", err)

err = map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().SetRules(map_validator.RulesWrapper{
        Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
            "jenis_kelamin": {Enum: &map_validator.EnumField[any]{Items: []string{"laki-laki", "perempuan"}}},
            "hoby":          {Type: reflect.Int, Null: false},
            "menikah":       {Type: reflect.Bool, Null: false},
if err == nil {
    t.Error("Expected have an error, but you got no error")

Example 2 ( Nested Object Validation )

filterRole := map[string]map_validator.Rules{
    "search":          {Type: reflect.String, Null: true},
    "organization_id": {UUID: true, Null: true},
jsonDataRoles := map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().StrictKeys().SetRules(map_validator.RulesWrapper{
    Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
        "filter":        {Object: &filterRole, Null: true},
        "rows_per_page": {Type: reflect.Int64, Null: true},
        "page_index":    {Type: reflect.Int64, Null: true},
        "sort": {
            Null:   true,
            IfNull: "FULL_NAME:DESC",
            Type:   reflect.String, Enum: &map_validator.EnumField[any]{
            Items: []string{"FULL_NAME:DESC", "FULL_NAME:ASC", "EMAIL:ASC", "EMAIL:DESC"},


Example 3 ( Echo Framework )

func handleLogin(c echo.Context) error {
    jsonHttp, err := map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().SetRules(map_validator.RulesWrapper{
        Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
            "email":    {Email: true, Max: map_validator.SetTotal(100)},
            "password": {Type: reflect.String, Min: map_validator.SetTotal(6), Max: map_validator.SetTotal(30)},
    if err != nil {
        return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
    err = jsonHttp.RunValidate()
    if err != nil {
        return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, err)
    return c.NoContent(http.StatusOK)

func main() {
    e := echo.New()
    e.POST("/login", handleLogin)

Example 4 ( Bind To Struct )

type Data struct {
    JK      string `map_validator:"jenis_kelamin"`
    Hoby    string `map_validator:"hoby"`
    Menikah bool   `map_validator:"menikah"`

payload := map[string]interface{}{"jenis_kelamin": "laki-laki", "hoby": "Main PS", "umur": 1, "menikah": true}
err := map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().SetRules(map_validator.RulesWrapper{
    Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
        "jenis_kelamin": {Enum: &map_validator.EnumField[any]{Items: []string{"laki-laki", "perempuan"}}},
        "hoby":          {Type: reflect.String, Null: false},
        "menikah":       {Type: reflect.Bool, Null: false},
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected not have error, but got error : %s", err)

testBind := &Data{}
if testBind.JK != "" {
    t.Errorf("Expected : '' But you got : %s", testBind.JK)
err = extraCheck.Bind(testBind)
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Error : %s ", err)

if testBind.JK != payload["jenis_kelamin"] {
    t.Errorf("Expected : %s But you got : %s", payload["jenis_kelamin"], testBind.JK)

Example 5 ( Custom message )

payload := map[string]interface{}{"total": 12, "unit": "KG"}
validRole := map_validator.RulesWrapper{
    Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
        "total": {
            Type: reflect.Int,
            CustomMsg: map_validator.CustomMsg{
                OnTypeNotMatch: map_validator.SetMessage("Total must be a number, but your input is ${actual_type}"),

check, err := map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().SetRules(validRole).Load(payload)
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected not have error, but got error : %s", err)
_, err = check.RunValidate()
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected not have error, but got error : %s", err)

Example 6 ( Regex validator )

payload := map[string]interface{}{"hp": "+62567888", "email": "[email protected]"}
validRole := map_validator.RulesWrapper{
    Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
        "hp":    {RegexString: `^\+(?:\d{2}[- ]?\d{6}|\d{11})$`},
        "email": {RegexString: `^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$`},
check, err := map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().SetRules(validRole).Load(payload)
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected not have error, but got error : %s", err)
_, err = check.RunValidate()
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected not have error, but got error : %s", err)

Example 7 ( Unique value )

role := map_validator.RulesWrapper{
  Rules: map[string]map_validator.Rules{
    "password":     {Type: reflect.String, Unique: []string{"password"}, Null: true},
    "new_password": {Type: reflect.String, Unique: []string{"password"}, Null: true},
payload := map[string]interface{}{
    "password":     "sabalong",
    "new_password": "sabalong",
check, err := map_validator.NewValidateBuilder().SetRules(role).Load(payload)
if err != nil {
    t.Errorf("Expected not have error, but got error : %s", err)
expected := "value of 'password' and 'new_password' fields must be different"
_, err = check.RunValidate()
if err.Error() != expected {
    t.Errorf("Expected :%s. But you got : %s", expected, err)