- Selenuim Webdriver
- JUnit 5
- ExtentReports
- Gson
- Gradle
Note: If you run test from commandline it will automatically download drivers for you in projectDir/webdriver folder.
- Commandline
./gradlew -Denv=SIT firefoxTest
- If you want to run test from an IDE, you have to set environment variable manually
-Denv=PROD -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=./webdriver/PATH/TO/geckodriver -Dbrowser=firefox
./gradlew -Denv=SIT chromeTest
- If you want to run test from an IDE, you have to set environment variable manually
-Denv=PROD -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=./webdriver/PATH/TO/chromedriver -Dbrowser=chrome
Different Environment: SIT, STAGING, PROD
After execution reports will be available in projectDir/build/reports