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Rkomi98 committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent 0e8f01f commit 3645753
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Showing 5 changed files with 370 additions and 3 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Scoreboard/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# Initialize Flask app
app = Flask(__name__)

# Assign path for DataVolley files
# Assign path for DataVolley files -- TODO to be changed!
#dvw_path_folder = "C:/Users/mirko/OneDrive - Politecnico di Milano/Altro/Volley/Conco2425/Olbia/"
dvw_path_folder = "C:/Users/mirko/Documents/GitHub/"
file_extension = ".dvw"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ def show_scoreboard():

# Run the Flask app
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000, debug=True)
Binary file modified Scoreboard/__pycache__/VolleyballScoreboardServer.cpython-312.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Scoreboard/__pycache__/refresh_app.cpython-312.pyc
Binary file not shown.
367 changes: 367 additions & 0 deletions Scoreboard/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
import os
import uuid
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from .get_players_from_md import read_players
from .helpers import get_match, get_set, get_teams, calculate_skill, skill_map, eval_codes, desired_order, add_xy
from charset_normalizer import from_path

class DataVolley:
A class for reading and processing DataVolley data from a .dvw file.
- file_path (str): The path to the DataVolley file to be processed.
- file_path (str): The path to the DataVolley file.
- plays (pd.DataFrame): Processed data stored in a DataFrame.
- match_info (pd.DataFrame): Data of the match
- sets_info (pd.DataFrame): Data of each quarter set and duration
- home_team (str): The name of the home team.
- home_team_id (str): Unique identifier of the home team.
- home_coaches (list): List of the names of the coaches of the home team.
- visiting_team (str): The name of the visiting team.
- visiting_team_id (str): Unique identifier of the visiting team.
- visiting_team_coaches (list): List of the names of the coaches of the visiting team.
- get_players (pd.DataFrame): Retrieves a DataFrame containing a list of players from a specified team, or from all teams if none is specified.

def __init__(self, file_path = None):
Initialize the DataVolley object.
- file_path (str): The path to the DataVolley file to be processed.
if file_path is None:
file_path = self._download_example_data()
self.file_path = file_path
self.match_info = None
self.sets_info = None
self.home_team = ""
self.home_team_id = ""
self.home_setswon = 0
self.visiting_team = ""
self.visiting_team_id = ""
self.visiting_setswon = 0
self.visiting_coaches = []
self.home_coaches = []

def _download_example_data(self):
Download example DataVolley data from a URL and save it locally.
- str: The path to the downloaded example data file.
example_data_url = ""
response = requests.get(example_data_url)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error for unsuccessful HTTP responses

example_data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "example_data.dvw")

with open(example_data_path, 'w') as file:

return example_data_path

def _read_data(self):
Read and process the DataVolley file.
This method reads the file, extracts metadata, and creates a DataFrame
containing relevant information about plays.

# identify character encoding
results = from_path(self.file_path)
rows = [] # Initialize lists to store data
with open(self.file_path, 'r', as file: # Read the file and extract data
for line in file:

full_file = pd.DataFrame(rows)
full_file['meta_group'] = full_file[0].str.extract(r'\[(.*?)\]', expand=False).ffill()

# Get Match information
self.match_info = get_match(rows)
self.sets_info = get_set(rows)

# Get teams metadata
teams = get_teams(rows)
self.home_team_id = teams[0].split(";")[0]
self.home_team = teams[0].split(";")[1]
self.home_setswon = int(teams[0].split(";")[2])
self.home_coaches = []
self.visiting_team_id = teams[1].split(";")[0]
self.visiting_team = teams[1].split(";")[1]
self.visiting_setswon = int(teams[1].split(";")[2])
self.visiting_coaches = []

# Get Player Names
meta_data = full_file[full_file['meta_group'] != '3SCOUT']
datarows = []
for idx, row in meta_data[meta_data.meta_group == "3PLAYERS-H"].iterrows():
rowtext = row[0].rstrip()
if (rowtext.find(";")> 0):
self.players_home = pd.DataFrame(data=datarows,
self.players_home['team_id'] = self.home_team_id
self.players_home['team'] = self.home_team
self.players_home["player_name"] = self.players_home["name"] + " " + self.players_home["lastname"]
datarows = []
for idx, row in meta_data[meta_data.meta_group == "3PLAYERS-V"].iterrows():
rowtext = row[0].rstrip()
if (rowtext.find(";")> 0):
self.players_visiting = pd.DataFrame(data=datarows,
self.players_visiting['team_id'] = self.visiting_team_id
self.players_visiting['team'] = self.visiting_team
self.players_visiting["player_name"] = self.players_visiting["name"] + " " + self.players_visiting["lastname"]
# Parse out the [3SCOUT] and keep the rest
index_of_scout = full_file.index[full_file[0] == '[3SCOUT]\n'][0]

# Filter everything before and after "[3SCOUT]"
plays = full_file.iloc[index_of_scout+1:].reset_index(drop = True)

# Create code, point_phase attack_phase start_coordinate mid_coordinate end_coordinate time set home_rotation visitng_rotation video_file_number video_time
plays = plays[0].str.split(';', expand = True).rename({0: 'code', 1: 'point_phase', 2: 'attack_phase', 4: 'start_coordinate', 5: 'mid_coordinate', 6: 'end_coordinate', 7: 'time', 8: 'set_number', 9: 'home_setter_position', 10: 'visiting_setter_position', 11: 'video_file_number', 12: 'video_time'}, axis=1)
plays.columns.values[14:20] = [f"home_p{i+1}" for i in range(6)]
plays.columns.values[20:26] = [f"visiting_p{i+1}" for i in range(6)]
plays = plays.drop(columns=([3, 13, 26]))

# Create match_id
plays['match_id'] = str(uuid.uuid4())

# Change coordiantes -1-1
def replace_coordinates(coord):
coordinates_to_replace = {'-1-1': np.nan}
return coordinates_to_replace.get(coord, coord)
def calculate_attack_phase(plays):
# Create a function to apply the conditions
def get_attack_phase(row, prev1, prev2):
if row['skill'] == 'Attack':
if prev2['skill'] == 'Reception' and prev1['skill'] == 'Set' and prev2['team'] == row['team']:
return 'Reception'
elif prev2['skill'] != 'Reception' and prev1['skill'] == 'Set' and row['serving_team'] != row['team'] and prev2['team'] == row['team']:
return 'SO-Transition'
elif prev2['skill'] != 'Reception' and prev1['skill'] == 'Set' and row['serving_team'] == row['team'] and prev2['team'] == row['team']:
return 'BP-Transition'
return pd.NA # Use pandas NA instead of np.nan

# Apply the function to create attack_phase
plays['attack_phase'] = plays.apply(lambda row: get_attack_phase(row,
plays.iloc[ - 1] if > 0 else row,
plays.iloc[ - 2] if > 1 else row),

return plays

plays['start_coordinate'] = plays['start_coordinate'].map(replace_coordinates)
plays['mid_coordinate'] = plays['mid_coordinate'].map(replace_coordinates)
plays['end_coordinate'] = plays['end_coordinate'].map(replace_coordinates)

# Create team
plays['team'] = np.where(plays['code'].str[0:1] == '*', self.home_team, self.visiting_team)

# Create player_number
plays['player_number'] = plays['code'].str[1:3].str.extract(r'(\d{2})').astype(float).fillna(0).astype(int).astype(str)
plays['player_number'] = np.where(plays['player_number'] == '0', np.nan, plays['player_number'])

# Create player_name for both teams
plays = pd.merge(plays, pd.concat(list([read_players(meta_data, self.home_team, 'H'),
read_players(meta_data, self.visiting_team, 'V')])
), on=['player_number', 'team'], how='left')

# Create skill
plays['skill'] = plays.apply(calculate_skill, axis=1)
plays['skill'] = plays['skill'].map(skill_map)

# Create evaluation_code
plays['evaluation_code'] = plays['code'].str[5]
plays['evaluation_code'] = np.where(plays['evaluation_code'].isin(eval_codes), plays['evaluation_code'], np.nan)

# Create set_code
plays['set_code'] = np.where(plays['skill'] == 'Set', plays['code'].str[6:8], np.nan)
plays['set_code'] = np.where((plays['skill'] == 'Set') & (plays['set_code'] != '~~'), plays['set_code'], np.nan)

# Create set_type
plays['set_type'] = np.where(plays['skill'] == 'Set', plays['code'].str[8:9], np.nan)
plays['set_type'] = np.where((plays['skill'] == 'Set') & (plays['set_type'] != '~~'), plays['set_type'], np.nan)

# Create attack code
plays['attack_code'] = plays['code'].str[6:8]
plays['attack_code'] = np.where((plays['skill'] == 'Attack') & (plays['attack_code'] != '~~'), plays['attack_code'], np.nan)

# Create num_players_numeric
plays['num_players_numeric'] = np.where(plays['skill'] == 'Attack', plays['code'].str[13:14], np.nan)
plays['num_players_numeric'] = np.where((plays['skill'] == 'Attack') & (plays['num_players_numeric'] != '~~'), plays['num_players_numeric'], np.nan)

# Create home_team_id
plays['home_team_id'] = self.home_team_id
plays['visiting_team_id'] = self.visiting_team_id

# Create start_zone
plays['start_zone'] = plays['code'].str[9:10]
plays['start_zone'] = np.where(plays['start_zone'] != '~', plays['start_zone'], np.nan)
plays['start_zone'] = np.where(plays['start_zone'] == '', np.nan, plays['start_zone'])

# Create end_zone
plays['end_zone'] = plays['code'].str[10:11]
plays['end_zone'] = np.where(plays['end_zone'] != '~', plays['end_zone'], np.nan)
plays['end_zone'] = np.where(plays['end_zone'] == '', np.nan, plays['end_zone'])

# Create end_subzone
plays['end_subzone'] = plays['code'].str[11:12]
plays['end_subzone'] = np.where(plays['end_subzone'] != '~', plays['end_subzone'], np.nan)
plays['end_subzone'] = np.where(plays['end_subzone'] == '', np.nan, plays['end_subzone'])

# Create rally number
plays['rally_number'] = plays.groupby('set_number', group_keys=False)['skill'].apply(lambda x: (x == 'Serve').cumsum())

# Create point_won_by
plays['point_won_by'] = plays.apply(lambda row: self.home_team if row['code'][0:2] == '*p' else self.visiting_team if row['code'][0:2] == 'ap' else None, axis=1)
plays['point_won_by'] = plays['point_won_by'].bfill()
plays['point_won_by'] = np.where(plays['code'].str.contains('Up'), np.nan, plays['point_won_by'])
plays['point_won_by'] =
[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],

# Create point on skill
plays['skill'] = np.where(plays['code'].str[1:2] == 'p', 'Point', plays['skill'])

# Create home_team_score
plays['home_team_score'] = plays[plays['code'].str[1:2] == 'p']['code'].str[2:4]
plays['home_team_score'] = plays.groupby(['set_number', 'rally_number'])['home_team_score'].bfill()
plays['home_team_score'] = pd.to_numeric(plays['home_team_score'], errors='coerce')
plays['home_team_score'] = plays['home_team_score'].astype('Int64')

# Create visiting_team_score
plays['visiting_team_score'] = plays[plays['code'].str[1:2] == 'p']['code'].str[5:7]
plays['visiting_team_score'] = plays.groupby(['set_number', 'rally_number'])['visiting_team_score'].bfill()
plays['visiting_team_score'] = pd.to_numeric(plays['visiting_team_score'], errors='coerce')
plays['visiting_team_score'] = plays['visiting_team_score'].astype('Int64')

# Create coordinates
plays = add_xy(plays)

# Create serving_team
plays['serving_team'] = np.where((plays['skill'] == 'Serve') & (plays['code'].str[0:1] == '*'), self.home_team, None)
plays['serving_team'] = np.where((plays['skill'] == 'Serve') & (plays['code'].str[0:1] == 'a'), self.visiting_team, plays['serving_team'])
plays['serving_team'] = plays.groupby(['set_number', 'rally_number'])['serving_team'].ffill()

# Create receiving_team
plays['receiving_team'] = np.where(plays['serving_team'] == self.home_team, self.visiting_team, self.home_team)
plays['receiving_team'] = np.where(plays['serving_team'].isna(), np.nan, plays['receiving_team'])

# Create point_phase
plays['point_phase'] = np.where((plays['serving_team'] == plays['team']), 'Serve', 'Reception')

plays = calculate_attack_phase(plays)

# Create possesion_number
plays['possesion_number'] = plays.groupby(['set_number', 'rally_number'], group_keys=False)['skill'].apply(lambda x: (x == 'Attack').shift(1).cumsum() + 1).fillna(0).astype(int)

# Create timeout

# Create end_of_set

# Create home_score_start_of_point

# Create visiting_score_start_of_point

# Create substitution

# Create home_team
plays['home_team'] = self.home_team

# Create visiting_team
plays['visiting_team'] = self.visiting_team

# Create setter_position
plays['setter_position'] = np.where(plays['home_team'] == plays['team'], plays['home_setter_position'], plays['visiting_setter_position'])

# Create custom code
plays['custom_code'] = plays['code'].apply(lambda x: x.rsplit('~', 1)[1] if '~' in x else None)

# Mappatura dei codici di valutazione
evaluation_mapping = {
"Serve": {"=": "Error", "/": "Positive, no attack", "-": "Negative, opponent free attack",
"+": "Positive, opponent some attack", "#": "Ace", "!": "OK, no first tempo possible"},
"Reception": {"=": "Error", "/": "Poor, no attack", "-": "Negative, limited attack",
"+": "Positive, attack", "#": "Perfect pass", "!": "OK, no first tempo possible"},
"Attack": {"=": "Error", "/": "Blocked", "-": "Poor, easily dug",
"!": "Blocked for reattack", "+": "Positive, good attack", "#": "Winning attack"},
"Block": {"=": "Error", "/": "Invasion", "-": "Poor, opposition to replay",
"+": "Positive, block touch", "#": "Winning block", "!": "Poor, opposition to replay"},
"Dig": {"=": "Error", "/": "Ball directly back over net", "-": "No structured attack possible",
"#": "Perfect dig", "+": "Good dig", "!": "OK, no first tempo possible"},
"Set": {"=": "Error", "-": "Poor", "/": "Poor",
"+": "Positive", "#": "Perfect", "!": "OK"},
"Freeball": {"=": "Error", "/": "Poor", "!": "OK, no first tempo possible",
"-": "OK, only high set possible", "+": "Good", "#": "Perfect"}

# Aggiunta della colonna "evaluation"
plays['evaluation'] = plays.apply(lambda row: evaluation_mapping.get(row['skill'], {}).get(row['evaluation_code'], ""), axis=1)

# Reorder columns
existing_columns = [col for col in desired_order if col in plays.columns]
plays = plays[existing_columns]
self.plays = plays
plays = plays.replace({np.nan: None})
return plays

def get_plays(self):
Get the processed plays data.
- pd.DataFrame: Processed data stored in a DataFrame.
return self.plays

def get_players(self,team=None):
Retrieves a DataFrame containing a list of players from a specified team, or from all teams if none is specified.
team (str, optional): The name or the id of the team to filter players for. If None, players from all teams are returned.
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the filtered players.
If 'team' is specified, the DataFrame will contain only players from that team.
If there are no players for the specified team, the DataFrame is returned with both teams.
players = pd.concat([self.players_home,self.players_visiting],ignore_index=True)
if team != None:
if ((team == self.home_team) or (team == self.home_team_id)):
players = self.players_home
if ((team == self.visiting_team) or (team == self.visiting_team_id)):
players = self.players_visiting
return players
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Scoreboard/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def on_modified(self, event):

def run_server():'', port=5000, debug=False)

def restart_server():
global server_process
Expand Down

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