This script allows to switch the active CUDA version between all installed versions.
You may also use it to install cudnn for the first time.
Syntax: ./switch_cuda [options] [cuda-version [options]].
cuda-version Version number of wanted CUDA installation,
e.g. ./switch_cuda 7.0 for CUDA 7.0.
-c Directory that contains CuDNN. If left empty,
CuDNN will not be installed. However, old
existing versions will not be touched.
Example: ./switch_cuda 7.0 -c ~/Downloads/cudnn5.1/cuda/
-i List your current CUDA/CuDNN setup
-s Location for your active CUDA version symlink.
Only required if different to /usr/local/cuda,
which probably does not apply to you.
-h Display this help message.
This works on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. No other systems have been tested.