social media project for b461/561 class - team 13
Frontend is hosted at
- NextJS
- Django Rest Framework
- PostgreSQL
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux Persist
Login and Registration:
- When the user signs up, a validation email is sent with an activation link. Only, when the user clicks on this link he/she will be able to log in.
- Forgot password functionality implemented.
- For authentication, JWT is used
Posts and User Profile:
- After login, a landing page is displayed with all the user's posts and a navigation menu on the left side.
- Used can make posts, which will be seen by all the other users
- User can edit their own profile and view their own posts. He can also visit other users' profiles and view their posts.
Search System:
- Users can search for other users and posts
Pages, Events, and Notifications:
- Users can create Pages that other users can follow.
- This Page can create Events. All the users following the Page will get notifications about the event.
- Users can chat with other users on a real-time basis
Dark Mode:
- Users can toggle between Dark mode and normal mode while using the app.