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0.35.0 Breaking changes

N1XUS edited this page Jun 6, 2022 · 12 revisions

Theming #8167

  • ThemeService is now deprecated in favour of ThemingModule from @fundamental-ngx/core/theming
  • Added new schematic to update font definition css styles.

Shellbar #8089

  • Shellbar action items should be a transparent buttons from now.





Slider (Core, Platform) #8083

Slider handle is now moved outside .fd-slider__track element.

Form Generator/Wizard generator global config (Core) #8000

Added ability to define global configuration via withConfig method of the PlatformFormGeneratorModule and PlatformWizardGeneratorModule

strict angularCompilerOptions refactoring #7998

  • ListGroupPipe and GroupFunction interface were moved from @fundamental-ngx/core/utils to @fundamental-ngx/core/combobox as it is the only place where it's needed.
  • core-checkbox’s checkedChange output now emits plain value
  • NumberStepInputChangeEvent from @fundamental-ngx/platform/number-step-input has been removed in favour of base StepInputChangeEvent
  • isValidControlState has been moved from @fundamental-ngx/platform/shared to @fundamental-ngx/core/utils
  • FdSelectChange from @fundamental-ngx/core/select has been removed as it was never in use

Message Toast global config (Core) #7957

Added ability to define global configuration via withConfig method of the MessageToastModule

Smart Filter Bar (Platform) #7954

filterable input property is now available only for fdp-column. To make Smart filter bar item as filterable, please use smartFilterBarFilterable input property. Now this value is true by default.

Carousel (Core) #7949

Carousel now supports auto value of the visibleSlidesCount input property. It will automatically calculate how many items are possible to fit into current carousel viewport.

Toolbar, Table (Core) #7987

  • Toolbar: Toolbar title now requires fd-toolbar__title class


<h4> Toolbar Title </h4>


<h4 class="fd-title fd-title--h4 fd-toolbar__title">Toolbar Title</h4>
  • Table: Wrap text in table cell in fd-table-text directive to have the text-shadow


<td fd-table-cell>


<td fd-table-cell>
  <span fd-table-text>Text</span>

Grid List, Core #8039

  • Grid List Item body markup change.


<div class="fd-grid-list-item-body--container">
  <fd-avatar image="" size="s"></fd-avatar>
  <div class="fd-grid-list-item-body--content">
    <h6 fd-title [innerText]="item.title"></h6>
    <p [innerText]="item.description"></p>
      <div class="fd-grid-list-item-body--content-address">
      <p>781 Main Street</p>
      <p>Anytown, SD 57401</p>
    <a [routerLink]="['./']" fd-link tabindex="0">[email protected]</a>


<fd-avatar image="" size="s" class="fd-grid-list__item-image"></fd-avatar>

<div class="fd-grid-list__item-header">
  <h4 fd-title [innerText]="item.title" class="fd-grid-list__item-title"></h4>
  <span class="fd-grid-list__item-subtitle" [innerText]="item.description"></span>

<div class="fd-grid-list__item-content">
  <p>781 Main Street</p>
  <p>Anytown, SD 57401</p>
  <a [routerLink]="['./']" fd-link tabindex="0">[email protected]</a>
  • The whole item with link is clickable now, it might cause issues in a single select mode but the selection event emitted first.
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