Read more about Zarinpal API at
npm i zarinpal-nodejs
const Zarinpal = require("zarinpal-nodejs")
async function createTransaction(){
const merchantID = "XXXX-XX-XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX"
const zarinpal = new Zarinpal(merchantID)
// currency by default is Toman
const paymentResponse = await zarinpal.paymentRequest({
amount: 1000,
callback_url: "http://localhost:3000/api/payment",
description: "a simple test",
// if creating payement transaction was not successfull the redirect url
// will be an empty string
const redirectURL = zarinpal.getRedirectURL(paymentResponse)
return redirectURL
console.log("Error happend while trying to create a new transaction", e)
return ""
Note: if the error code couldnt not be found in the list of predefined errors it will return an empty string
For a list of predefined errors please check
const farsiError = zarinpal.translateError(paymentResponse)
// here payment was successfull
if (zarinpal.wasSuccessfull(paymentResponse)) {
const redirectURL = zarinpal.getRedirectURL(paymentResponse)
} else {
const farsiError = zarinpal.translateError(paymentResponse)
and save it in db for later use and checks
Note: if creating payement transaction was not successfull it will return undefined
const authority = zarinpal.getAuthority(paymentResponse)
- After user payed then zarinpal will redirect the user to the callback_url
- In there you can find out the if the payment was successfull
// here is in your callback_url api
const query = req.query // for example in the express like apis where you have res,req objects
// successfull payment
Note: this will return
if user didnt pay successfull
const authority = zarinpal.getAuthorityAfterSuccessfullPayment(query)
if the payment was successfull in your callbakc_url api otherwise after sometime the zarinpal will reject the amount back to the owner
const verificationResponse = await zarinpal.verifyPayment({
amount: 1000,
- To check if verify was successfull
const ok = zarinpal.wasVerifySuccessfull(verificationResponse)
// everyting is fine and verified
- For getting masked card number
const maskedCardNumber = zarinpal.getMaskedCardPan(verificationResponse)
- For getting the ref id
the code that user can use to track the transaction
const refID = zarinpal.getRefID(verificationResponse)
- For getting the fee that this amount should pay to zarinpal
Note: As of now zarinpal takes 1% to the amount of 3000 toman from each successfull transaction
const fee = zarinpal.getFee(verificationResponse)
const unverifiedRequests = await getAllUnverifiedRequests()
NOTE: for using refund you should first request an access token from zarinpal website
const refundResponse = await refund({
// refund was successfull