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Repository files navigation

Dots (boundaries variant)

Sample Background

Dotfiles exclusively for i3.

⚠️ Before you install

  • Do a backup of your dotfiles.
  • Do a double check of the i3 config file (.config/i3/config again, in the repo folder) and make sure all it's ok for your environment.


optional packages

polybar - third party modules


quick install (Arch)

  1. Install required packages.
yay -S picom-ibhagwan-git polybar feh rofi
  1. Clone the repo and cd to it.
git clone && cd dots
  1. Run the apply script with the option to restart the i3 instance.
sudo ./ -r
  1. Install rofi-power-menu.

apply script (options)

  • -h Show the help screen.
  • -c Select a module/package to apply the desired config.
  • -r Restart the i3 instance after apply process.
  • -b Bypass the confirmation (press any key to continue).
  • -o Apply files that are in the .other folder.


Apply dotfiles only for rofi and bypass the confirmation prompt.

sudo ./ -c rofi -b

Apply dotfiles only for i3, bypass the confirmation prompt and restart the i3 instance.

sudo ./ -c i3 -b -r


If you want to keep up-to-date your dotfiles with this repo, do a cd to the repo folder, pull the changes and re-apply them.

git pull && sudo ./

switch variant

Make sure you've updated this repo in your local machine, you can see the available branches of variants by using git branch command.

git branch -a

For example, if you want to use the e6 variant, simply use this:

git checkout e6


I have another version of picom.

Simply remove that version and install the ibhagwan's version. Kill the process (pkill picom) before do this. If you're in Arch simply do yay -R picom and then yay -S picom-ibhagwan-git.

It looks different on my screen...

If you have any problem installing the dotfiles, open an issue and don't forget to provide logs and your machine info (use neofetch or similar), you can provide screenshots if needed!