The project was to create a news site with a header, one large news item, and several smaller item. The site needs to be responsive to fit mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Describe how you approached to problem, and what tools and techniques you used to solve it. How did you plan? What technologies did you use? If you had more time, what would be next?
I underestimated the time needed, initially I felt that it would be easy peasy but then when I got into stuff I had not encountered before (flexbox and grid) I got in over my head. Many times when I tried something new, it would ruin all the content. I will adjust this project continously since I want it to look good. I planned the layout first, then wrote my article content and my headlines, then went on to finding suitable images and finally styling it all. For styling I have tried to have a somewhat logical order of everything and it has also taken some time to try to write clean code. I spent too much time on trying to find alternatives to divide my text nicely, since line breaks are not in use, but this just made it look worse so I went back to just a regular paragraph (article texts).
I looked at a lot of tutorials online, at 1,5 x speed to save some time, and trying things out simultaneously. Some tutorials were very useful and some were including too many things that I have yet to learn/understand. My approach to problems in general has been to try to find the answer online (= as in understanding how to write the code).
Every project should be deployed somewhere. Be sure to include the link to the deployed project so that the viewer can click around and see what it's all about.