InfoFlowAI is a comprehensive chat application with integrated PDF capabilities and AI assistance, designed to provide a seamless user experience for collaborative discussions and document management.
- Chat Functionality: Users can create and participate in real-time chat discussions.
- PDF Integration: Upload PDF files, create discussions around them, and interact with content.
- AI Assistant: Powered by the Gemini API, the AI assistant generates contextual responses based on chat discussions.
- User Authentication: Secure authentication using Clerk ensures user privacy and access control.
- File Storage: Utilizes Firebase for file storage, supporting uploads up to 1GB per file.
- Database Management: Drizzle ORM and PostgreSQL manage relational data storage.
- External APIs: Integrates with Stripe for payments and Jina AI for PDF to vector database conversion.
- Technologies: Built using Next.js, React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and various supporting libraries and APIs. First, run the development server:
- User Registration and Login: Create a new account or login with existing credentials.
- Chat Creation: Start new chats or join existing ones.
- PDF Upload: Upload PDF files to initiate discussions around documents.
- AI Interaction: Experience AI-generated responses based on chat content. Payment Integration: Use Stripe for secure payment transactions (if applicable).
npm install
npm run dev