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How to contribute

Scalingo Documentation Center relies on Jekyll. You are welcome to contribute to this documentation by forking and sending pull requests.

Adding a new article

To add a new article simply create a new markdown file in the _posts folder with the following file format: (e.g. Please use the current date when creating the file.

The minimal front matter that you need to add is:

title: What is Epoch
modified_at: 2021-11-23 00:00:00

Optional tag :

  • nav: [string] set another url than the one generated from the title
  • index: [integer] change the position of the page in his folder in the side menu

Modifying an article

You are welcome to modify any article, but please remember to update modified_at before sending your pull request.


Please do not use the date metadata as it will conflict with the date extracted from the file name. Instead, use modified_at to record when a modification is made to an article.

Please do not use first-level HTML/Markdown headers (i.e. <h1></h1>) as it will be pulled from the title metadata.

Blockquotes should be only used for quotes.

Do not put categories, category or permalink in the front matter, everything is handled by the jekyll-dirname-generator plugin.


If you want to write a useful note:

{% note %}
  My useful note here
{% endnote %}

If you want to write a warning note:

{% warning %}
  My warning note here
{% endwarning %}

If you want to insert a link to another documentation article:

[text of the link]({% post_url platform/internals/2000-01-01-routing %})

To insert an image, first upload it to our CDN, inside the documentation folder. Give it a public permission Grant public read access to this object(s). Then, insert it with:

{% assign img_url = "*" %}
{% include mdl_img.html %}

Running Locally

To install dependencies locally:

docker compose build --pull \
&& docker compose run --rm web bundle install \
&& docker compose run --rm web yarn install --ignore-engines \
&& docker compose run --rm web bundle exec jekyll build

To build the static site and spin-up a file server:

docker compose up

And visit http://localhost:4300

If you want to serve the doc like in production (through the rack stack), generate the site first (see above) and then:

docker compose -f docker compose-prod.yml up

This will run puma in parallel and serve the site at http://localhost:4302

Changelog, Samples and New Section

For a reason I ignore and I don't want to spend time understanding, we need to manually re-build the pages when adding a new changelog entry or a new section. This is done with:

docker compose exec web bundle exec jekyll build

How to debug


Using debug.rb it's possible to add break points in Ruby code.

  1. Prepend command jekyll serve by rdbg -c --
  2. Add a binding.break where you want to stop the execution


To help debug responsive layout issues add this tool in the default layout, it will show the current Tailwind screen & size in every pages.

  {% include organisms/responsive_tool.html %}

Force regeneration

Sometimes, the files regeneration (especially the assets) got lost.

In this case remove the _site folder via

dc run web rm -rf _site
