For a given mask, gets the coordinates of bounding box of each element of the mask. It will also allow for more operations in the future.
pip install mask2bbox
isolate-cells -h
isolate-cells-from-file -h
get-average-iou -h
import numpy as np
from mask2bbox import BBoxes
# Create a BBoxes object
all_boxes = BBoxes.from_mask("path/to/mask.png")
# Expand the bounding boxes
all_boxes = all_boxes.expand(n=10)
# Remove the bounding boxes that are located on the edge of the image
all_boxes = all_boxes.remove_from_edge()
# Get the sides of all the bounding boxes
sides = all_boxes.get("sides")
# Filter the bounding boxes by the sides
filtered_boxes = all_boxes.filter("sides", np.greater_equal, (35, 35))
# Get the IoU matrix of all the bounding boxes
iou = filtered_boxes.iou_matrix()
# Save the overlapping pairs to
# Save the IOU matrix to a csv file
# Plot the bounding boxes on the mask image
filtered_boxes.draw(to="image", method="matplotlib", show="False", save="path/to/save/image.png")
# Save your bounding boxes
# Get resize factors to resize the bounding boxes to a given size
resize_factors =, size=(256, 256))
# Extract the bounding boxes as images
filtered_boxes.extract(resize_factors, size=(256, 256), output="path/to/save/images")
mask2bbox offers a dual licensing mode the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 - see LICENSE and ESSENTIAL_LICENSE_CONDITIONS.txt