Code fits to the BAO shape of catalog data
Install anaconda
Install emcee, jupyter, and nbodykit python packages
Set up a conda environment
- conda create --n myenv python=3.7
- conda activate myenv
- conda install -c conda-forge emcee
- conda install -c bccp nbodykit
- conda install -c anaconda configobj
Set up the fitting configuration in the config.ini file
This will include
- Cosmology parameters
- Paths to input/output files
- Parameters for fitting (e.g. kmin,kmax,multipoles)
A few other considerations
- The minimum k specified in the config file must be greater than or equal to the minimum k of the covariance matrix
- Window function convolution is done through matrix multiplication of the model, and as of v0.1 has only been tested with dk=0.01
- If using a "combined" fit (i.e. 2 separate data sets/covariances) the input covariance must be one block-diagonal covariance. If using a combined fit and convolution, the same goes for the window and wide-angle matrices
- As of v0.1, no monopole only fits