CSC-Ground-Segment-Interface-Delivery-Point-Test-Suite v1.9.1_HF
Postman Interface Tests Collection for:
- Sentinel-1 ICD v1.6
- Sentinel-2 ICD v1.6
- Sentinel-3 ICD v1.6
- POD ICD v1.2
Suitable for Interfaces: LTA, PR, DD, POD.
Based on ESA Sentinel's ICD, integrated by Serco.
Included Fixes:
- For the Sentinel-3 products, removed the "productType"-allowed-values check only for Auxiliary products (on the other types the check is restored )
- Removed the new line character "\n" after each postman query
- For the Sentinel-3 products with partial LTA-applicability, fixed the corrected allowed values for "timeliness", "platformName" etc...
- For Sentinel-1 products added dual polarisationChannel to the product categories:
S1 Level-0 Std+Ann
S1 Level-0 Cal
S1 Level-0 Noise
S1 L1+L2 Products - For Sentinel-2, Sentinel-1, the allowed value REP_OLQCPA become OLQC (fixed in the excel ICD)