CSC-Ground-Segment-Interface-Delivery-Point-Test-Suite v2.1
Postman Interface Tests Collection for:
- Sentinel-1 ICD v1.6
- Sentinel-2 ICD v1.6
- Sentinel-3 ICD v1.6
- POD ICD v1.2
Suitable for Interfaces: LTA, PR, DD, POD.
Based on ESA Sentinel's ICD, integrated by Serco.
Included Features and Fixes:
- Added AUXIP interface support with dedicated Filters, Subscriptions, Metrics and Download tests
- Added "Download" tests folder to PRIP
- Added Filters queries example:
AND operator
OR operator
IN operator
Geographic query - Updated and released User Manual v1.9
- For Sentinel-1 products - Level-0 Std +Ann, added "Allowed Values" to "polarisationChannels" attribute:["HH","VV","HH,VH","VV,VH","VH,VV","VH,HH","HH,HV","VV,HV","HV,HH","HV,VV","HV","VH"]