External component for ESPHome supporting the DFRobot I2C RGB Button.
I have tested the code on ESP32, it works fine. Works with both Arduino and ESP-IDF
set_button_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, bool force = false)
to set the color of the button (r, g, b; for example (0, 0, 0)
for black/off)
set_button_color(long color, bool force = false)
to set the color of the button (hex; for example (0xFFFFFF)
for white)
Alternatively, hardcoded color variables can also be used, for example: id({entity_id}).set_button_color({entity_id}->eGeneralRGBValue_t::eRed);
enum class eGeneralRGBValue_t : uint32_t {
eRed = 0xFF0000, /**< Red */
eOrange = 0xFF7F00, /**< Orange */
eYellow = 0xFFFF00, /**< Yellow */
eGreen = 0x00FF00, /**< Green */
eCyan = 0x00FFFF, /**< Indigo */
eBlue = 0x0000FF, /**< Blue */
ePurple = 0x8B00FF, /**< Purple */
eWhite = 0xFFFFFF, /**< White (for turning on LED) */
eBlack = 0x000000, /**< Black (for turning off LED) */
to get the color of the button (uint8_t[3]; for example {255, 255, 255}
for white)
to get the color of the button (unsigned long; for example 0xFFFFFF
for white)
to get the current state of the button (boolean; for example true
if pressed)
The current state of the button is updated in the update_interval
cycle. For better detection, I recommend a short interval.
If the button
option is not configured, update_interval
can be set to 0s.
# Import external_component from github
- source:
type: git
url: https://github.com/ShadyMCShadesen/dfrobot_i2c_rgbbutton
components: [ dfrobot_i2c_rgbbutton ]
# Setup i2c bus
- id: bus_a
sda: GPIO21
scl: GPIO22
# Setup DFRobot I2C RGBButton
- id: i2c_rgbbutton
address: 0x23
i2c_id: bus_a
default_color: 0x000000
update_interval: 1s
button: # binary_sensor configuration, see https://esphome.io/components/binary_sensor/index.html
id: i2c_rgbbutton_sensor
name: I2C RGB Button # necessary if you want Home Assistant to monitor the entity, otherwise it will not be visible
on_press: # set button color to red while pressed
- lambda: id(i2c_rgbbutton).set_button_color(0xFF0000);
on_release: # set button color back to 'off' if released
- lambda: id(i2c_rgbbutton).set_button_color(i2c_rgbbutton->eGeneralRGBValue_t::eBlack);
i2c address of the button module, default 0x23
i2c bus of the button module, default first of configured busses
default color of the button, default 0x000000 (black / off)
interval for the state update of the button, default 1s (for better button state detection, I recommend a shorter interval; can be set to 0s if button
is not configured)
binary_sensor configuration representing the button state ESPHome
For me it is necessary to set the 'name' parameter in the 'button' configuration so that it appears in Home Assistant as entity!