Litemapy's goal is to provide an easy to use way to read and edit Litematica's schematic file format in python.
Litematica is Minecraft mod by maruohon.
Litemapy is available on pypi:
pip install litemapy
- Read and write .litematic files
- Full support for litematics' regions concept
- Full block storage support
- Full support for basic metadata handling (author, name, description, block count and total volume)
- Partial support for entities
- Partial support for tile entities
- Partial support for pending block updates
- Partial support for preview images
Documentation is available on ReadTheDocs:
Here is a basic example of creating a schematic, and of reading one:
from litemapy import Schematic, Region, BlockState
# Shortcut to create a schematic with a single region
reg = Region(0, 0, 0, 21, 21, 21)
schem = reg.as_schematic(name="Planet", author="SmylerMC", description="Made with litemapy")
# Create the block state we are going to use
block = BlockState("minecraft:light_blue_concrete")
# Build the planet
for x, y, z in reg.block_positions():
if round(((x-10)**2 + (y-10)**2 + (z-10)**2)**.5) <= 10:
reg[x, y, z] = block
# Save the schematic"planet.litematic")
# Load the schematic and get its first region
schem = Schematic.load("planet.litematic")
reg = list(schem.regions.values())[0]
# Print out the basic shape
for x in reg.xrange():
for z in reg.zrange():
b = reg[x, 10, z]
if == "minecraft:air":
print(" ", end="")
print("#", end='')
When ran, we get the expected output: