ASL Turtlebot 3 ROS2 utility packages
- Install ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04 following this
- These, and the following, installation instructions require opening a terminal, and copy-pasting commands into that terminal. In Ubuntu, use CTRL+ALT+T to open the default terminal. Remember to copy all commands exactly and in order, or you may encounter errors!
- On the Install ROS Packages step, choose the ROS-Base Install (
sudo apt install ros-humble-ros-base
). - Make sure to also install development tools (
sudo apt install ros-dev-tools
- Install Gazebo Garden (ignore the comment lines starting with
).# Install dependencies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lsb-release wget gnupg # Setup Gazebo keys and sources sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/pkgs-osrf-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/pkgs-osrf-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gazebo-stable.list > /dev/null # Install Gazebo sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gz-garden
- Initialize
(can skip this step if done earlier)sudo rosdep init
- Set up a ROS2 workspace by running the following scripts (ignore the comment lines starting with
)# install apt depedencies sudo apt install git # create the turtlebot workspace mkdir -p ~/tb_ws/src # clone the sources cd ~/tb_ws/src git clone -b humble git clone git clone # install dependencies source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash # use setup.zsh if using zsh rosdep update && rosdep install --from-paths ~/tb_ws/src -r -i -y # build the code (might take a few minutes) export GZ_VERSION=garden cd ~/tb_ws && colcon build --symlink-install # include the setup script (replace bash with zsh if using zsh) echo "source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc echo "source \$HOME/tb_ws/install/local_setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc echo "alias update_tb_ws=\$HOME/tb_ws/src/asl-tb3-utils/scripts/" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
- Try starting ROS and Gazebo with a simulated TurtleBot to verify that everything is installed correctly. Use this command:
To close the simulator and ROS session after testing your installation enter CTRL+C in the terminal session where you entered the command above.
ros2 launch asl_tb3_sim
-- Set to 1 to disable Gazebo GUI. This can speed up simulation if running inside VM or limited compute hardware.INSIDE_VM
-- Set to 1 to use software OpenGL. OpenGL implementation in VMWare and WSL does not work very well with Gazebo. Set this env variable if you see flickering or blank screen in Gazebo.
Run update_tb_ws
in your terminal.
Create a new branch.
Commit and push changes to the new branch.
Create a pull request and ask someone to review it.
Merge after an approval review.
When I run Gazebo a bunch of errors print that say
[ruby $(which gz) sim-2] [Err] [] The geometry element of collision [left_hand] couldn't be created
, should I be worried?These are a known issue with Gazebo, and are safe to ignore.
If Gazebo cannot find model uri, e.g. the terminal throws the following error
... Msg: Unable to find uri[model://asl_tb3_sim/models/turtlebot3_world]
You need to rebuild
and make sure to include the environment variableGZ_VERSION=garden
. To do a clean rebuild, run the following command in a ~/tb_ws && rm -r build install log GZ_VERSION=garden colcon build --symlink-install