PErception and Robotic Learning System v2
perls2 provides robot software infrastructure for projects within SVL. It serves as a unified framework that connects both simulated and real robots, sensors, renders and simulation environments for performing robotics experiments.
The design document describes the goals, specifications and milestones for perls2 development.
New to perls2? Start Here
PERLS2 only supports python3.6 for the core libraries (python 2.7 is used for interfacing to robots that use ROS.) PERLS2 only supports ubuntu 16.04 and later.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
- Clone and install PERLs repo
Clone repo:
git clone
Create a virtual environment, e.g.
virtualenv -p python3.6 perls2env
Source your virtual environment e.g.
source perls2env/bin/activate
Go to the perls2 directory and install requirements
cd ~/perls2
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install perls2
pip install -e .
Check out the examples in the examples
folder Overview
Intructions for each demo may be found in the README in each folder.
cd perls2
python examples/simple_reach/
Instructions for setting up perls2 with real robot control are specific to machine and robot type.
Setup instructions for Franka Panda Setup instructions for Rethink Sawyer