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How to make podcast

Corben Dallas edited this page Sep 20, 2016 · 3 revisions

In Audacity, load the source flacs, edit to remove people talking over each other, dead-space, people coughing + making static, banging mics/desk. Crop silence to <.8s between talking, leave a little more for topic changes.

Add intro and outro, intro needs a .5s gap before it plays, give it about another second before people start talking. Outro can start pretty soon after people finish talking to signify the end.

Export to 24 bit, mono, 44.1 kHz flac.

Add album art to flac (can be skipped until we get workflow to automate mp3+ogg export): flac --picture="||||steamlug_cover.png" -o steamlugcast.master.flac steamlugcast.output-from-audacity.flac

Create the ogg:

oggenc -q 6 steamlugcast.master.flac

Add album art to ogg:

vorbiscomment -a -t $(cat steamlug_covercomment.txt) steamlugcast.master.ogg steamlugcast.output.ogg

Create the mp3:

ffmpeg -i steamlugcast.master.flac -id3v2_version 3 -q:a 1 steamlugcast.master.mp3

Add the album art to the mp3:

eyeD3 --add-image cover.png:FRONT_COVER steamlugcast.master.mp3


ID3v2 Genre, Year, Artist, Comment … in fact, fix ALL the tags.

  • Titel: e<nr> - Title With Capitals
  • Interpreter: SteamLUG
  • Album: SteamLUG cast
  • Genre: Podcast
  • Titel: <episode nr>
  • CD: <season nr>
  • Year: <year of recording>
  • Comment: SteamLUG Cast is a casual, fortnightly audiocast which aims to provide interesting news and discussion for the SteamLUG and broader Linux gaming communities.