Flyleaf v3.5.10 (AIO x64 .NET6 with FFmpeg v4/v5)
Compiled Libraries, Plugins & Samples
Flyleaf Player | Note: Pop-up on first run is to add itself to windows firewall for proper yt-dlp and bitswarm playback
Flyleaf Downloader
Flyleaf Extractor
Flyleaf Plugins | Note: yt-dlp is detected as a virus
FFmpeg Libraries | Note: 4.4.2 and 5.0.1 (latest 30/5/2022) patched for HLS issue
FFmpeg Devices | Note: You need to manually enable them from the Flyleaf.Engine.xml (set FFmpegDevices to true)
- Engine: Fixes an issue with engine's thread for stats calculation while using multiple players
- Config: Adds Config.Subtitles.Parser for custom formatting/parsing
- Config: Adds Config.Player.MaxLatency for the new low latency with audio implementation which is embedded to default AVS usage
- Player: Fixes a thread safety issue during Stop and Open/OpenAsync/Config.Video.AspectRatio change
- Player: Adds Usage.ZeroLatencyAudioVideo for another low latency which supports audio with (no respect to min buffer or max latency)
- Player: Improves speed playback
- Plugins: Improves handling with media file extensions
- Renderer: Fixes a rendering issue while the Player was buffering (no layout update)
- VideoView: Fixes an issue with jitter while dragging (DPI)
- VideoView: Fixes an issue with Subscribe Events on early player assignment (mainly for front window)
- VideoView: Fixes an issue with front window's visibility
- VideoView: Fixes an issue with early actions (eg. swapping when collapsed in a tab control) before the template has been applied by creating winforms control earlier
- Controls.WPF: Includes the new Max Latency in Settings
- Controls.WPF: Updates FlyleafLib, MaterialDesign and Dragablz