This project involves creating and analyzing a comprehensive library database using SQL. The database includes tables for books, authors, members, and borrowing records. Below are the key details:
- 📂 Database Creation: SQL scripts provided to create and populate
, andBorrower
tables with realistic data. - ✍️ Authors and Books: Features 20 latest books by Indian authors, each linked to their respective authors.
- 👥 Members: Includes 10 members with Indian addresses and details.
- 📊 Borrowing Records: Contains over 10 records of book loans with relevant borrowing details.
- 🔍 SQL Commands: 50 essential SQL queries for data analysis, covering book availability, borrowing trends, member activity, and more.
- 📅 Key Operations: Finding overdue books, most borrowed books, member activity, and book availability by genre or author.
- 🗓️ Date Range Analysis: Queries for recent activity, membership trends, and publication years.
- 📈 Data Insights: Average borrowing, most active members, and popular genres.
- 📝 Sample Data: Realistic data for testing and demonstration purposes.
- 🛠️ Instructions: Detailed steps for setting up the database and running queries for analysis.
This README provides a summary to quickly set up and start analyzing the library database using the provided SQL scripts and queries.