Welcome to my inventory app! This project is created to showcase dynamic site operations for creating, updating, reading, and deleting objects in a database. I built this project for valentines day for my girlfriend who love tacos 🌮 and for me who loves flowers 🌻.
Link: [(https://tacos-and-flowers.fly.dev/)]
-All CRUD operations for uploading categories and items
-Ability to upload images
-Checkout page ;)
-Tacos and Flowers!
-Backend: Node.js, Express.js
-View Engine: Ejs
-Database: MongoDB
-Image Hosting: Cloudinary
-fly.io: (considering for deploying and hosting the application) -MongoDB Atlas: for cloud-based MongoDB hosting -Cloudinary: for image upload and image url hosting.
Type in terminal the following:
-npm install
-npm install dotenv --save
-npm install mongoose
-npm install express-async-handler
-npm install express-validator
-npm install cloudinary
-npm install mutler
-npm run start
-EJS (I used pugs before)
-Hiding API keys in .env file
-Mongoose Schemas / models
-Express routers and controller MCV architecture
-From enctype="multipart/form-data" for file uploads
-Mutler is needed as middleware to parse forms that have file uploads
-Remember to put /:id app.use() after /create
-Host a website on fly.io