Deliverables of the Cinehub project for the Software Engineering and Web Design course.
Submission of the deliverables inside a .zip file via GitHub.
- Format: PDF
- Structure:
- Introduction ✔️
- Aim of the Document
- Overview of the defined system
- Operational settings
- Related systems with pros and cons (at least two)
- User Stories (3 per member) ✔️
- Functional Requirements (3 per member, it is legitimate to derive them from the user stories) ✔️
- Use Cases: Overview diagram (it must include at least 2 secondary actors, 2 include relationships and 2 extend relationships) ✔️
- Introduction ✔️
- Format: HTML
- Quantity: 2 screens per member, covering all the functionality described in the SRS. ✔️
- Class diagram:
- analysis VOPC (1 per member) ✔️
- design level diagram including patterns or specific solutions that improve the engineering level of the system (1 per member) ✔️
- Design patterns: possibly applied in the project context (1 per member) ✔️
- Activity diagram (1 per member, it must include every studied element of the activity diagrams) ✔️
- Sequence diagram (1 per member, it must include at least 2 synchronous messages and 2 asynchronous messages) ✔️
- State diagram (1 per member, based on the developed use case) ✔️
- Develop test cases (at least 3 per member) ✔️
- Selenium test via GUI (1 per member) ✔️
- Selenium test via API (1 per member) ✔️
- ~4K lines of code ✔️
- Similar functionality implemented as Desktop (JavaFX) and as a Web App (HTML + CSS + JSP or similar + DB or filesystem) ✔️
- Develop exception classes and handle errors (2 per member) ✔️
- Use and set up a VCS (Git or SVN), a CI/CD tool (GitHub Actions or Travis) and analyze the project with SonarCloud ✔️
- No SonarCloud rule must be violated (0 code smells). ✔️
- Format: MPEG
- A one or two minutes long video of the developed system performing the expected functionalities ✔️