A collection of PV-Star Modules to extend PV-Star's functionality.
Under heavy development, expect breaking changes.
- Module - Extends PV-Star functionality by adding new types, extensions, commands or anything else.
- Extension - Can be applied to 1 or more arenas to modify and extend its behavior.
Modules in project
PVAutoRestore - Add arena region auto-restore extension.
PVBasicPoints - Add basic points handlers.
PVBasicStats - Adds basic statistics to all PV-Star arenas.
PVBorders - Provides arena extension for handling players entering or leaving the arena region.
PVChests - Provides arena extension for randomized chests, random chest items and preset chest items.
PVDeathDrops - Manages item and exp drops from mob and player deaths in arenas.
PVDoorSigns - Add door signs players use to open doors using a currency type (exp, points, economy, etc.)
PVEconomy - Provides arena extension for adding currency rewards (or penalties) for performing certain actions in an arena.
PVGambleSigns - Add signs that perform actions based on chance when clicked.
PVGracePeriod - Adds an arena extension that provides PVP grace periods at the beginning of a game.
PVInfinitLives - Adds an arena extension that provides infinite lives to players.
PVKitSigns - Adds signs players can use to purchase kits inside arenas.
PVLeaderboards - Add leaderboards that use PV-Star arena statistics.
PVMessages - Add basic status and event messages displayed to players in an arena via extension.
PVMobs - Adds an arena extension that provides mob spawning support. Also adds mob spawn types.
PVNoteSigns - Add note signs used by builders and arena designers to add notes that can be hidden and redisplayed.
PVOpenArena - Adds an arena extension that provides support for arenas that automatically add players and start the game.
PVParty - Provides player party support.
PVPlayerState - Adds an arena extension that saves the players state before joining and restores when the player leaves the arena.
PVProtect - Adds an arena extension that protects the arena from block and hanging entity damage.
PVQueue - Provides arena queue support.
PVRevive - Adds an arena extension that provides player down and revive mechanics.
PVShowSpawns - Adds commands to make spawns visible with blocks and a sign for admin/builder purposes.
PVStartCountdown - Adds an arena extension that adds a countdown timer before the game starts.
PVSubRegions - Add sub regions to arenas. (i.e checkpoint region)