This plugin allows you to create tools that operate on Java (JUnit) tests with fine-grained control (e.g., running them in arbitrary orders). This code was originally from, all development has been moved to here.
First, create a class that extends the following abstract class:
public abstract class TestPlugin {
public TestPlugin() {}
public abstract void execute(final ProjectWrapper project);
Then, add the following plugin to the pom.xml
of the Maven project you wish to run your TestPlugin
Then run:
mvn testrunner:testplugin
If you want the latest version of this plugin (or for some reason you can't get if off Maven central), you can run:
git clone
cd testrunner
mvn install
and change the plugin version to the latest one (currently 1.3-SNAPSHOT)
You can generate documentation using:
mvn javadoc:javadoc
See the wiki.