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Installation for Analysis of BONITA data on a Desktop

Thakar-Lab edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 1 revision

If you wish to run BONITA all the way through on a desktop, please see Running BONITA on a Desktop.

For analysis, installation can be achieved by installing python and packages with no need for C compilation in unix.

Step 1: Install Intel Python

Install the appropriate Intel Python 2 distribution from

Step 2: Install Packages

Install python packages networkx==1.11, pandas, requests, deap, lxml, bs4, and seaborn using the pip. Linux/Mac: pip install package_name for each of the above packages Windows: find the path to the pip.exe in Scripts folder of Intel Python distribution folder (in top level C drive, usually). For example, a command might look like C:\IntelPython2\Scripts\pip.exe install networkx==1.11 but it is critical to find where pip.exe is for Intel Python on your computer and install all of the above packages in a similar manner.

Step 3: Run BONITA

Instructions can be followed as in README section for Unix/Mac. For windows, be sure to find the correct python.exe in the Intel Python folder, usually directly in the C drive like C:\IntelPython2\python.exe for example.