Library of smart contracts for Defi Dapps development
- BaseERC20.sol: Base ERC20 token with mint and burn functionalities, and operator access control.
- BaseFarm.sol: Basic staking pool for a given token. it only allows to stake or withdraw without generating rewards.
- BaseFarmDelegated.sol: Similar to BaseFarm but with the ability of being used by another smart contract on behalf of an end user. Typically used to allow several operation within one single transaction.
- FarmDelegated.sol: Farm with staking rewards and delegated access. The rewards are distributed to the farm through a RewardsDistributor
- AutoFarmLiquidity.sol: Helper contract that allows to add liquidity to a pool and staking the generated LP tokens all in one transaction.
- Faucet.sol: Simple faucet implementation to provide with free tokens.
- RewardsDistributor.sol: Used to distribute rewards to several recipients all in one transaction.
- ContributionPool.sol: Simple fund to store assets for later retrieval. Typically used by a project team to derive funds for emergency cases.
- AdminAccessControl.sol: Simplified AccessControl contract with only Admin role.
- OperatorAccessControl.sol: Simplified AccessControl contract with Operator and Admin roles.
- RewardsDistributorControl.sol: Simplified AccessControl contract with RewardsDistributor, Operator and Admin roles.
- Oracle.sol: Oracle contract that provides data on the proce of a pair both from the liquidity pool and an external BandOracle contract.
- OperatorTimelock.sol: Minimal Timelock controller with Admin access control
My name is Roberto Cano and you can find me at