This simple Action provides you a way to retrieve issues that were recently closed via a commit.
The GitHub API currently does not allow us to retrieve that information in any easily accessible way, hence why I made this Action myself.
This Action adheres to the syntax of Closing issues via keywords provided by GitHub.
It also works with multiple issues being closed in the same commit and it is case-insensitive.
- Fixed #123
- Resolves #123
- In this commit we closed #123
- Closed #123 I have
- Closed #123 but also fixed #124
This can be very useful if you want to assign labels to closed tickets for example.
You can find an example workflow right here
Required The token is just a standard Access Token from GitHub, this is used for authentication.
You can use the built-in ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} variable for this.
Required This parameter determines how many commits should be retrieved. The maximal value for this is 100.
The output of this is a JSON Array of numbers, corresponding to the issue numbers that were closed via commits.
- closed
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: TheBusyBiscuit/recently-closed-issues@master
id: my_step_id
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
max_commits: 20
- run: echo $ {{ steps.my_step_id.outputs.issues }}
This example will add a "Resolved" label to any issue that was closed via a commit.
I am using the GitHub Action maxkomarychev/octions@master to add the label, any action that can add labels will suffice though, this is just an example.
You can use GitHub's expressions syntax to create a simple if-statement that will make a step only trigger if the currently closed issue was closed via a commit.
- closed
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: TheBusyBiscuit/recently-closed-issues@master
id: my_step_id
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
max_commits: 20
- uses: maxkomarychev/octions/octions/issues/add-labels@master
if: contains(toJson(steps.my_step_id.outputs.issues), github.event.issue.number)
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
issue_number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
labels: 'Resolved'