Releases: TheNewEconomy/TheNewChat
Release 1.5 Fixed issued with chat formatting.
Release 1.4
Fixed an issue where chat commands weren't being added correctly.
Release 1.3
- Made /leave, /ignorechannel persistent across restarts.
- Moved non-core handlers to their respective plugins.
- Added replacements.
- Located in chats.yml, these allow you to replace regex-supported strings with a given value.
- Fixed issue with /gc and /generalchat
We support a function we notate as "separators" in TNC. Separators allow you to add optional text after a variable if the
variable is not empty/whitespace.
If you're using the Towny provider and want to output a separator after a $nation variable you could do so using a separator.
[{$nation: | }$town]$display: $message
The above format would output "[<nation name> | <town name>]username: message" if $nation is not empty/whitespace. This may be used when you're not sure
if players will have a nation, but want to use the variable in your chat formatting.
We support a function we notate as "checks" in TNC. These checks allow you to output specific formatting if a check is true,
and also optionally output formatting for when it is false. Checks are built-in the chat handler, and as before the default
ones provided by TNC are outlined in
If you're using the Towny provider and want to output a colour code if a player is a king, you'd use the isking check.
{isking:<blue>:<white>}$display: $message
The above format would make the player's name blue if they are a king, otherwise white.
Release 1.0
The first release of TheNewChat.