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Shell: Cheat sheet

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Display: echo "$var"

Decision making

  • If
    • C/JS like: if (( $var == 0 )); then...; fi
    • Normal: if [[ $var -eq $var2 ]]; then...; fi
    • Is it in?:
      • if [[ $VAR == *"Linux"* ]]
      • if [[ $VAR =~ .*Linux.* ]]
  • Switch:
    case ... in
    ...) ... ;;
  • Is a string empty?: -z
  • Everything else is the same as other language using (( ... ))


  • For:
    • for; do...; done
    • C/JS like: for (( i = 0; i < 10; i++))
    • Python like: for i in {0..2}
  • While: running as long as condition is true
    • while ... option; do ...; done
  • Until: running as long as condition is false
    • until ...; do ...; done


  • Declare it: a=() or initialized it a=(1 2 5 6 8 67)
  • Get value at an index: ${a[0]}
  • Get length: ${#a[@]}
  • Add/get a value in following index in a loop: tmp[${#tmp[@]}]=
  • Get all values: ${z[*]} or ${z[@]} (can be used in loop to retrieve values not index)
  • Copy of array: z=("${tmp[@]}")


  • Calculate: $((i + 1))


  • Declare a function: function function_A {...}
  • Get parameters & call a function is the same is calling a script and passing args
    • Get parameters: 1rst param $1, 2nd param $2, ...
    • call function: function_A arg1 arg2


see basics/


Special variables

  • $0 : filename
  • $n: Nth arg passed was invoked or function was called
    test it: if [ "$1" != "" ]
  • $#: nbr of arg passed (script or function)
    there are arguments if > 0
  • $@ or $*: all args passed (script or function)
    can loop on it
  • $?: exit status from last command executed
  • $$: process ID of shell (shell scripts: process ID under which they are executing)
  • $!: process nbr of last bg command

Trap command

Catch special signal/interruption/user input in script to prevent the unpredictables trap <arg/function> <signal>
ex: trap "echo Booh!" SIGINT SIGTERM --> on Crtl+C displays Booh!

File testing

  • File exists?: if [ -e "$filename" ]
  • Directory exists?: if [ -d "$directory_name" ]
  • Read permission?: if [ ! -f "$filename" ]

Input Parameter Parsing

  • To get arguments see Special Variables section
  • Read option values: loop on getops function
    • ex: get value for -u -a -l
      while getopts u:a:l: option
      case "${option}" in
      u) USER=${OPTARG};;
      a) AGE=${OPTARG};;
      l) LOCATION=${OPTARG};;


  • Counts nbr entries in directory: ls / | wc -l
  • Get 1rst 10 results: ls / | head outputs the first 10 lines by default, use option -n to change
    Remark: By default pipelines redirects only the standard output, if you want to include the standard error you need to use the form |& which is a short hand for 2>&1 |

Redirection ~= Process Substitution

  • Save sorted results to new files & show diffs between files:
    • without process subs: sort file1 > sorted_file1
      sort file2 > sorted_file2
      diff sorted_file1 sorted_file2
    • with: diff <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
  • Store logs app into file & print it in console: echo "Hello, world!" | tee /tmp/hello.txt
  • Only lower case in file but keep regular case on output: echo "Hello, world!" | tee >(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' > /tmp/hello.txt)


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