{imdvizzer} is designed to visualise England’s Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) data in as many ways (or as few) as needed.
The main data source is the 2019 IMD data from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government. This data was published with a suite of additional mapping resources. In particular this zoomable map may be of interest.
For convenience and ease of extension {imdvizzer} uses the {geographr} package for map geometries and area lookup files, and the {IMD} package for IMD data. People working in this space may be interested to investigate two additional packages - {NHSRpopulation} and {boundr}.
The first function implemented plots maps of IMD data for each English Integrated Care Board (ICB). It can be used as follows:
map_imd_icb("NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board")
This is the 2019 IMD data plotted for every ICB. The individual regions plotted are Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs), which are consistent small geographical regions with populations of on average 1500 people. Note that the x and y axis scales of these individual maps are not intended to be consistent. The colour scales are consistent across the maps.