A curated list of awesome Plasticity tutorials and resources for 3D Artists, Hobbyists.
- Pixel Fondue : Quick but informative tutorials for Plasticity.
- Kuechmeister Swagger : Channel with awesome Plasticity tutorials.
- Plasticity Quick Start : Awesome Plasticity guide for beginners.
- Plasticity Beginner Crash Course : Beginner-friendly Plasticity course.
- Nikita Kasputin : Awesome Plasticity tutorials.
- Ben Fryc : Plasticity for Motion Designers
- Arrimus 3D : Awesome tutorials for Plasticity, 3DS Max, Zbrush
- Discord Server : Discord server for free trial users.
- Plasticity feedback : Plasticity feedback and reqests.
- Official Site : Official Plasticity site.
- Plasticity Manual: Unofficial Plasticity documentation.
paid ones,▷
Contributions welcome! If you want to contribute to this list, send a pull request, open an issue or contact with me @ThunderCatXp and read the contribution guidelines first.