This program requires the installation of a preconfigured Virtual Machine provided by Udacity. To make sure you have everything set up correctly, please follow the steps outlined in this link :
- Install the contents of this project into the "tournament" folder linked to your vagrant installation. This will automatically copy the contents into the VM.
- Log into Vagrant using a command shell and the command "Vagrant ssh"
- Go into the "tournament" folder using "cd tournament"
- Log into the database using the command "psql tournament"
- Within the psql shell, use the following command to create the database tables "\i tournament.sql"
- Exit the psql shell using the command "\q"
To run the program, follow the following steps :
- Log into Vagrant using a command shell and the command "Vagrant ssh"
- Go into the "tournament" folder using "cd tournament"
- Run the project's unit tests using the command "python"
The unit test script will run and output that all the tests were completed successfully