Welcome to the Travel Log website This is Project 3 - Item Catalog Version : 1.0.0 Author : Timothee Hack
This program requires the installation of a preconfigured Virtual Machine provided by Udacity. To make sure you have everything set up correctly, please follow the steps outlined in this link : https://www.udacity.com/wiki/ud088/vagrant
Some additional python modules are required to run this application. Please follow the installation steps carefully.
- Install the contents of this project into the folder linked to your vagrant installation. This will automatically copy the contents into the VM.
- Log into Vagrant using a command shell and the command "Vagrant ssh"
- Run the following commands to install prerequisites 3.1) sudo -y apt-get install python-dev 3.2) sudo -y apt-get install libjpeg8-dev 3.3) sudo pip install Pillow
- Go into the "vagrant" folder using "cd /vagrant"
- Run the command "python database_setup.py"
- Run the command "python load_sample_data.py"
- Install is now complete.
To run the program, follow the following steps :
- Log into Vagrant using a command shell and the command "Vagrant ssh"
- Go into the "vagrant" folder using "cd /vagrant"
- Run the project using the command "python project.py"
- Open a web browser and go to the the address "http://localhost:5000/"
The Travel Log app provides an API of JSON endpoints. Here is the list : /region/JSON Returns the list of travel logs
Returns the contents of a given travel logs
Returns a specific entry for a given travel log