Various scripts that I find useful.
Filter: Center text.
Filter: Turn CSV into TSV.
Used for mass production of USB sticks. If I wasn't cheap, I'd buy a duplicator. But, since I am cheap, I use a 4-port USB hub on a Mac and run this script in 4 different windows. Use at your own risk!
The modified version of the golang flag module that permits a default file and a -flagfile option. Sadly the go authors rejected it. They don't want any changes to the standard library.
Example of how to process command line flags in a BASH script.
joinlike combines all lines that have the same 'first part' where the 'first part' is defined to be everything to the first whitespace. The behaviour is somewhat akin to join, but it doesn't assume the input is sorted. It works with files or pipes.
The Unix "join" command really should have this as a feature built-in. It doesn't, so here is an implementation.
Filter: Turn Mac line endings into Unix line endings.
Generate a TAB-separated summary of all the files in a tree. Makes comparison easy.
# md5tree /mnt/RAIDVault >/var/tmp/list.orig
# md5tree /mnt/RAIDVault-BACKUP >/var/tmp/list.backup
# NOTE: For these next 2 lines TAB means press the TAB key.
# sort -t'TAB' -k6 </var/tmp/list.backup >/var/tmp/list.backup.sorted
# sort -t'TAB' -k6 </var/tmp/list.orig >/var/tmp/list.orig.sorted
# diff /var/tmp/list.orig.sorted /var/tmp/list.backup.sorted
The lines are tab-separated and the filename is the last thing on the line. That makes it easier to parse the data.
I use deparse rarely enough that when I do, I need a reminder of how to use it. This is my reminder.
When I start a new Python script, I start with this base.
When I start a new Python script, I start with this base if there are no command line flags. I always regret this because later I end up needing command line flags.
El Capitan (MacOS X 10.11) removed the ability to select the exact format of screencapture's filenames. This utility renames such files to be more unix-friendly: No spaces, 24-hour time.
To install:
cd ~src
go get
go install
Filter: Input TSV and output an HTML table.
Filter: Turn TSV into CSV.
Filter: Like Unix "uniq" but works on unsorted data.
Filter: LIke Unix "sort" but randomizes the order of the lines.