This is my attempt at creating a chess ai
The game is seperated into 3 main folders;
kuusito/tinysound: is an api folder for playing sound that I just didn't bother to compress, so now it's there
engine: is the main folder for the game mechanics - it is also the starting point for the program
bot: is the folder for the bot, and the engine will call the objects in bot in order to get the move
data: is the folder for data that the bot and game will use
The engine is split into many classes; the program will start in the main file
A state pattern is utilized for seamless switching between the different "screens". There's the Main State, Start State and End State for the Actual Chess game, the start page and the end page. The different states are handled in the "Main" class and each state also will switch to the next
The Tools class is a utility class and provides many conversion functions but also stores sprites and file data. You'll need to initialize it in order, as the Tools Class also handles drawing images and the like.
The BoardClient class handles requests from the user, with the Main State class acting as a controller from the ui to the BoardClient. The BoardClient also interacts with the Board, which stores the current position of the current game but also provides many utility functions for getting information about the board.
We also have an abstract Pieces class, which represents the pieces. They have an instance of the board class, provide utility functions for information pertaining to the piece, but also handles user and bot actions such as moving the piece. Each board has many pieces, which is stored in an ArrayList called Pieces
Finally, to handle undoing moves, we have a move class, which gives an instruction and how we're supposed to "undo" a move. This is useful in a practical scenario, but also very important if we want our bot to be able to "simulate" moves without recopying the board each time.
The bot is split into 2 main classes; BotMain and Evaluator
BotMain is the main bot, and the MainState class will have an instance of BotMain and will request moves from BotMain. This class, in getting its move will utilize the Evaluator class.
The Evaluator class essentially runs the brunt of the minimax algorithm. It will look x moves into the future, playing out every possibility and return the highest rating that the side can get. Using this information of looking into the future, botMain will make its move.
The Data is just a folder for the data the we will use.
As soon as you open the folder, you'll see various .wav files; these are just music files to play when the program is running.
Inside the sprites folder, you'll see various sprites that are used for rendering; the board and the pieces as well as the Start Screen Image is stored there.
Inside the botAssist/positionRatings folder, you'll see various files that just store information on the rating change to apply for various position for various pieces. This will help the bot make decisions based not solely on piece value, but also on how valuable they are in a specific position.
Furthermore, there's a drawio file, which you can open with - it's pretty much a flowchart that I use to plan out and analyze what the heck the bot's gonna be able to do
Using a bit of java profiling, I realized, after a few bug fixes, that we spend a lot of time trying to see if a move creates a check. Therefore, we'll be reducing the number of times we check whether or not a move results in an invalid check.
I shall call my ai mL3