Title: BibToHolding.py
Author: Henry Steele, Library Technology Services, Tufts University
- This program adds a fixed 541 field from the bib record to attached holding records
- a .txt file containing a list of MMS ID record numbers, one per line
- The updated records are written to Alma and recorded in the updated_holdings XML file. Any errors are recorded in records_with_errors.txt
- This branch of the project is set to work with Python 2
- pull this branch (master) down from Github
- unzip
- to install the requirements necessary for this script to run
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- you'll also need to put the "secrets_local" folder from Box/Files Between LTS and Tisch Library Tech Services/541 to Holdings Record" in the root folder of this project directory (here)
- navigate to the project's directory
- have your list of MMS IDs ready in a folder you can find in the file picker
- execute the script
- python bibToHoldings.py
- choose the input file
- the script runs outputting the holdings it writes to the update holdings XML file