This repo contains terraform code that uses a S3 backend created using the terraform-aws-s3backend project. Make sure you have run that code first before using this.
Make you have setup the necessary pieces for the backend.
If you look at the
you'll there we define a s3 backend for terraform. You have to use
the values from the output when running the terraform-aws-s3backend
- bucket
- role_arn
- dynamodb_table
You want to also change the key attribute, that will determine to use within the bucket. In this tf code, we just create an ec2 instance. The only variable we setup is the region (see the envs dir). We have two files there, one for the dev environment and another one for prod.
$ make tf/init
$ make tf/workspace/new/dev
# Now tf will work in the dev workspace
$ terraform apply -var-file=./envs/dev.tfvars -auto-approve
# For prod
$ make tf/workspace/new/prod
$ terraform apply -var-file=./envs/prod.tfvars -auto-approve
But you don't want to push changes to your infrastructure manually. This repo has a GH workflow that will run those commands above on commits to either the main branch or the dev branch.